Cops ATTACK Old Man On His Own Property After REFUSING To Leave! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Documentary on Oilton PD Chief :

Guerrilla Publishing’s channel:



OPD Facebook Press Release-

Oilton Code of Ord. Β§ 4-4-15-

Finch v. State-

U.S. v. Hatfield-

Okla. Stat. tit. 21 Β§ 540-

Ross v. Neff-

Graham v. Connor-

United States v. Sawyer-

Madden v. Cleveland County-

Graham v. State-


37 thoughts on “Cops ATTACK Old Man On His Own Property After REFUSING To Leave!”
  1. I absolutely LOVE this comment!! I just had to re-post it.

    "Sir if you keep lawfully telling me to leave the property I'm going to be forced to demand you stop resisting". πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Posted by

    2 months ago

  2. There is absolutely ZERO excuse for the assault, humiliation and subsequent anxiety attack this Vietnam veteran was subjected to at the hands of this fat, entitled, power hungry DISGRACE in uniform. Now, the veteran should not have threatened the cop, BUT, this cop has a gun, a taser and pepper spray all on his belt!!! Cops also have a 12 gauge shotgun secured to their dashboard and a high powered semi-automatic rife with smoke bombs in their trunk. WAY too much fire power for this ego maniac against 1 former bad ass who is now an old man and is unarmed, on his own property. This cop was out of his jurisdiction, 'investigating' a complaint about solicitation for sex. Big friggin whoop!!! No matter in the city, or country, there is ALWAYS a gas station, an empty lot, corner store, business, shopping center, dentist office, whatever where this cop could've pulled into to wait for whomever he was waiting for. instead, he chose a private driveway and refused to leave.

    I shudder to think of the horrors this spirited former soldier saw in Vietnam. When this elderly man curled up and started to cry (after being assaulted by a cop) I felt such a sadness inside me. I wondered if this former soldier had maybe spent time as a P.O.W in one of the many VC jungle camps or even the Hanoi Hilton. Officers were tortured, without exception, non-coms received cruel treatment. I wonder if maybe this man was having a Vietnam flashback when the cop pinned him to the ground and that's what brought on the crying and his anxiety attack? The things this now old man did and saw in the jungles of Vietnam would make this power tripping, fat ass cop literally piss in his pants in terror. Then, to see this mofo cop talking to his captain (a piece of dung in his own right) and blaming the old man he just assaulted, the sadness turned to disgust and outrage. Most of these power tripping cops would not last 2 hours on patrol in the jungles of Vietnam (especially at night), or in the craters of The Somme (WW 1), The Hurtgen forest & The Netherlands (WW 2), or God forbid up on The Reservoir (Korea – WW 3). Yet, here in America they are armed to the teeth with a license to harass, humiliate, assault and even murder civilians and former soldiers who provided the very freedom they enjoy today. It makes my blood boil with outrage and my stomach roll with disgust.

  3. so don't resist a corrupt cop and fight it in a corrupt court room. either way they will investigate themselves trump your charges and they get to walk. until you can protect yourself from them like they do from use it will never end.

  4. Without a warrant the officer is no different than a girlscout selling cookies!
    SCOTUS has already opt'd such!
    The "driveway" also is determined if there is a fence or gate.
    Signage (no trespassing) would also bear weight.

  5. Just because I am not from the USA. Is the cop mainly in the wrong because he was outside his jurisdiction? This seems to be the legal argument. This wouldn't work like this in the UK for at least three reasons. (1) The police are taught to defuse situations such as the rather belligerent old man. (2) the jurisdiction of a police officer covers the country not a small area. (3) People in general tend to actually listen to the cops.

    Why was this old man's first response to order the police away from his house? The cop had clearly stated that he wasn't interested in the old man, so my assumption is that he was defending the solicitors. Why?

    I don't condone the majority of barely trained thugs who appear to be the majority of the US police system. I don't think that this cop obeyed the rules of his country/state. I don't like the attitude of the old man and I certainly dislike the police chief. Nobody here seems to be good.

  6. Cops can't allow themselves to be told what do do. Even as petty as identifying themselves when asked. The cop could have left the property and pulled the solicitors over when they left. I've yet to see a cop immediately leave when told to get off private property. At least he didn't shoot the dog.

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