Cops LOSE Qualified Immunity in Our Dog Case | UPDATE! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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31 thoughts on “Cops LOSE Qualified Immunity in Our Dog Case | UPDATE!”
  1. think the woman should clean up the house. If she gets any financial winnings she could use that to do a massive clean up. A dog mauling like that is extremely difficult to treat medically and her arm or body might never go back to how it used to be before the dog ripped her flesh off. Someone we know just went through that and he had to be hospitalized for weeks and get home IV treatments because there was no drug that could be used on the infection other than in an IV. His arm is not ever going to be all fixed, either. It was a pitbull who took offense over someone entering his territory.

  2. Thank you John for fixing the month and year. That's how I found the video to say that when you are working with a new kid that is going to be doing what you do I instantly felt relief for other people to get help from both of you. I was actually hoping the dog's got out but then they would have to be put to sleep but I feel thing's more strongly as one of my nieces has told me that I'm just sensitive!!! My ex brother in law was a cop in WA.

  3. Training a dog to deliberately bite people is animal abuse. LEOs shouldn't be allowed to use dogs as weapons. They shouldn't be allowed to use "dope sniffing" dogs either, since we are all aware that they train the dogs to "alert" when the handler gives them a sign, and not because they actually smell anything. The dog just wants that expected reward after following the handler's cue. Then the cop pulls some meth out of his glove and pretends to "find" it. We know their trickery! Or should I say treachery?

  4. I want to thank you for taking on this woman's case. This Police Officer is flat out trash.
    The damage these K-9's can do is life altering. Just going into the trailer it's obvious there is a problem.
    Mental instability and or drug abuse apparent by the condition of the place. Police Officers in "this day and age"
    think they control the population. But at "the end of the day" we are their employers….

  5. 🙋‍♂️ @4:28 ~ Whoa, Hold on. Is that former president Andrew Jackson in the painting? I very well could be wrong because I’m not good with recognizing them like that. BUT IF SO, isn’t that a huge irony? You’re talking about protecting constitutional rights and how the federal judiciary confirm that in the ruling. But anybody who knows anything about Andrew Jackson should know that he not blatantly disobeyed the federal judiciary, he disobeyed the Supreme Court directly. And it directly led to the deaths of thousands of Native Americans along with compensating their land and breaking treaties. A lot of presidents have a push and pull with Congress and the judiciary, the founding fathers knew that so that’s why they set up checks and balances. But I don’t think there has ever been such a direct unilateral disregard of the system to protect someone’s rights directly when the system told the president no. The president is supposed to be a caretaker executive, not a partial king.

    Obviously I know that you’re going to agree with me if that really is Andrew Jackson. So I have to ask, because I’m just really curious, why would you have his picture hanging up? I don’t know, maybe he valued the primary citizens rights but didn’t view Native Americans in the same way. So maybe you’re overlooking that. I don’t know.

  6. John H Bryan, Esq. Website Problems
    I wanted to donate $25, but the software wouldn't let me up the ante.
    Plus, first time that I clicked on "donate", I was sent to a site to donate to Biden's Victory Fund!!! Has your website been hijacked?

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