Cops Shot Kid Who Called For Help | HUGE Settlement! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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49 thoughts on “Cops Shot Kid Who Called For Help | HUGE Settlement!”
  1. This is a difficult one for me because the police had options but at the same time the dude had a deadly weapon and was making clear movements to suggest he intended to use it against the police. IMO the cop who broke the window should have OC'd and probably tased Christian so that the other cops could open the driver side door and pull him out. But that's me being an armchair quarter back. This is was a bad situation where in a mentally disturbed person had a deadly weapon and had clear intent to use it against police. As CRL points out the jury pool was likely poisoned by negative media attention. I'd feel better about this outcome if it was more clear cut that A. the cops did something wrong and B. the jury hadn't been interfered with.

  2. Teach your children to call you or a friend if they are in a non-life threatening situation and just need help. This kid would be alive if he'd called his parents, a friend or even a tow truck. The police are not your friend in any situation. They've been known to throw citations on the stretcher of a car accident victim who is dying. They are trained to view you as the enemy.

  3. when i saw this long ago i thought WTF these cops are actors? Poor kiddo… he was a silly lad asking for help. Cops created false reality.. they should be publicly beaten

  4. I had several conversations with my ex-wife’s uncle, who is Ellisville cop. He said he can’t make anything in your vehicle a concealed dangerous weapon. And he has the right to defend himself no matter what it takes.

  5. This is sad. A young man who is having some sort of mental issue and said he was afraid loses his life because police show up and surround his car and even stand on the hood pointing guns at him. Im sure that made him feel less afraid.
    (Sarcasm used)
    Seems to me they just didn't want to deal with this situation so they chose to END it.
    Police need to stop being trained in the " us verses them mentality". Not every situation can be solved by an overwhelming display of authority!!! In fact many times that just makes things much worse.
    But hey… I agree with John. Our government hates us. Displays like this proves the point.

  6. I do believe your videos are being censored
    I was watching the video on my TV on YouTube and usually I’m able to give a like and read comments and I was not able to do either. It is blank.
    I had to open YouTube on my phone to be able to make this comment and read other comments

  7. My problem with the payout is the fact that the police officer who shot this young man will not be the one paying ‼️ it will actually be the tax payers who pay this cops salary. That’s absolutely unfair. I do hope that the officer who shot this young man unable to be a police officer

  8. same old application of unequal force and life value. you're not a cop…you life has little value. not all cops think this was but way too many do and it is in line current police policies and training. Just no common sense de-escalation measures being used consistently in America. Just everyone being told they are a victim getting more and more belligerent…not just cops either.

  9. My opinion: never call a cop if you need help or if you’re worried about a loved one. The cops are a danger and threat more than any situation you are in most of the time.

  10. He had only just been diagnosed with ADHD at the time. Depending what medication he was on for ADHD. hallucinations have been reported as a side effect of Adderall. The case was all over the news here in New Zealand at the time.

  11. . . . I believe this all is mainly about POOR and WRONG training – these allmost always fearful cops are trained to protect themselves against theoretical threats at any time which in reality at nearly no time exisst . . .

  12. What about Philandro Castile was shot and killed in St Paul Minnesota by an officer shot five times in the chest for absolutely nothing. Philandro was pulled over for a driving violation of some kind completely compliant.
    He was probably being staulked.
    His girl freind and baby were in the car.
    The cop got off totally free. Minnesota law enforcement has gone full tilt insane. And they talk about the terrible BLM and antifa.

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