Cop’s wife found with gunshot wound: Who pulled the trigger? – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: Jessica Boynton was found in a locked wardrobe closet after suffering a headshot wound. Though she survived the incident, she and her husband gave wildly different accounts of what transpired.


47 thoughts on “Cop’s wife found with gunshot wound: Who pulled the trigger? – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. The grandfather and grandson are both in cahoots 😡 Ofc Matthew tried to kill her! He think he can get away with this! You will reap what you sow….
    Galations 6:8…… The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

  2. This women ? What women ma'am he is a man not a women period you can't call a man women or women a man I don't care if they changed their sex surgecly or what that person in God's eyes and public eyes will remain a man or a women if they are born male they will die as a male or if female they will die as a female.

  3. Hopefully he gets the same treatment from the streets one day and hopefully he catches more than just 2 🖕

    It’s sickening how they suck eachother off knowing damn well that sissy did it. Get rid of qualified immunity and internal affairs and start locking these scumbag criminals tf up. Like I said hopefully we get another episode and he’s the victim and it goes unsolved that would be 🔥

  4. Why aren't people looking into the Georgia investigatioembarrassed? How could they allow this man to go back as a police officer?
    They all covered up his attempted murder on his wife. What else do they cover up? Drug dealers, rape murder?
    It's a bunch of cowboys and Indians BF. Why wouldn't the husband be tested for gunshot residue? Why wouldn't his clothes be checked out why? Because hes a police officer? Many many police officers, male and female have killed their spouses. This voice in blue brotherhood It's all BS they better have this young man arrested. He certainly cannot be a father. He is a piece of garbage in my eyes. Cheated on his wife tried to kill her, tried to blame it on her. He said it all up with the 2 hours before the phone call was even made. Thank God for shows like people magazine or crime. Watch or daily, never want to visit that town.

  5. Investigators really should do their job & thoroughly INVESTIGATE no matter how things appear. I'm so annoyed by half assery complacent detectives/ investigating officers. Huge problem!
    TY to Will for doing their job.
    I have to say that the email trynna run Ana out of town was ridiculous! Her investigation into the case certainly helped move things along, moreso than local law enforcement…

  6. I have question about the round blue mark in the top right corner of her forehead when she’s laying on the hospital bed. If it was a mark of the tip of a gun pushed against her forehead. If there’s any the line of the wound in her scalp might answer that question.

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