Corrupt Cops Go INSANE! Highly ILLEGAL Arrest! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video 1:
Original video 2:
Original video 3:
Original video 4:

robb huff’s channel:


Court Records (Robert- Case #: GC23004935-00, Michael- GC23004936-00)-

Illinois v. Wardlow-

U.S. v. Massenburg-

U.S. v. Monroe-

McCormick v. Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office-

Va. Code § 18.2-460-

Ruckman v. Commonwealth-

Attorney General of Virginia, Official Opinion 02-082-

Oliver v. United States-

United States v. Dunn-

Florida v. Jardines-

U.S. v. Jones-

Va. Code § 18.2-416-

Mercer v. Winston-

U.S. v. Bartow-

Houston v. Hill-

Lewis v. City of New Orleans-

Marttila v. City of Lynchburg-


40 thoughts on “Corrupt Cops Go INSANE! Highly ILLEGAL Arrest!”
  1. Amazing. . under Sir Robert Peel's policing principles, number two is telling:

    To recognize always that the power of the police to fulfill their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behavior, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.

    And police still wonder why the public does not want to "talk with them" Seems too many police encounters go wrong due to the "officer" and his particular pathology. This is a classic example.

  2. Do you know how many I have been stopped by police. Let me give you a background real quick the only interaction I've ever had with police when I was 19 years old that was for speeding. I live in the downtown area so I have been stopped several times by police. Here's the b***** excuse to give me. You fit the description or my car fits the description. I always tell him get to 911 operator on the phone. That I want to hear the 911 call that that the police received. Then they tell me it didn't come in on a 911 absolute bulshit. The only thing I can guess is that they're just bored and they're looking for something to do.

  3. Do you think the founding fathers would be exceptive of the state of the law now days ? I belive that since they faught against tyranny . They would be on the front line fighting against the current state of tyranny the government forces upon the people now days also ! 🤔👀🤬

  4. Obviously the ofcr acted in retaliation for land owner not agreeing to ID.

    Edit: this ofcr bent over backwards to get this guy on something. How fragile do you have to be to get to a point where you think it's ok to continue to harass these men over an ID!!! The wheels started running in his head after the land owner didn't 'appreciate' the fact that this man can't stand cops is the exact reason. ID is like crack!!

  5. Deputy Hudson needs to be dealt with asap. The Government should want him gone most of all, but if they aren’t willing to take the first steps then the people need to help them. I’d you live in the area, make sure they hear your complaints.

  6. What should have happened is , once the son/owner showed up to have the other cop witness him telling the police officer he was now being trespass officially and making the supervisor literally trespass him at that point in time!

  7. That’s cute … COP says cause the property looks like it’s abandoned property? It’s in the woods dummy!! And can he ask for the hundredth time “so did he give you permission to be on “ the abandoned property “ lmao 🤣 Gosh this would have been a priceless experience if he had only had that app at that given moment

  8. It appears that all of these officers and tyrant bully liars. 😳 It is sickening how this officer is treating these two individuals over a person saying they heard gunshots. Officers are not allowed to control free speech. Officers should expect to be ridiculed by any citizen who feels he is being wrongly placed in cuffs. This officer needs to find another profession. He is too thin-skinned to police citizens.

  9. The Northeastern states are far superior in the areas of language acquisition and proper sentence structure. Since these yahoos in the South and in the Bible Belt, are dumbing down the mean intelligence average of the nation, I say let them secede. It worked out so well for them the first time.

  10. The officer never established that any crime whatsoever had been committed either on the property or by the two subjects. Yet this officer believed that his complete lack of articulable facts related to a specific crime that being committed provided him with the authority to detain, arrest and violate the constitutional rights of the two men. In fact, the officers were engaged in an unlawful detention and arrest and the two men would have been well within their rights to defend themselves against the officers unlawful conduct. How do officers this ignorant and stupid, in the first place, get selected to serve the public interests, uphold the law and the public’s rights?

  11. Suspicion is a really low bar for cops. It’s subjective and often is the bait on the fishing expedition by a cop. The courts appear to have left the bar low because of the infinite amount of scenarios that a cop could encounter.

    What should happen is departments should have a zero tolerance policy for misconduct by officers and fishing.

    This guy deserves the internet award for the year for the deez nutz in your mouth response. Priceless

  12. Guilty until proven innocent? When did the law flip? All police in VA have access to parcel data, including ownership, via the CAD. They can use that to contact the owner listed. If the owner wants to trespass anyone then those cops can do their thing. This described encounter is the result of lazy and impatient policing and poor emotional intelligence. People don't want bad people to get away from the police. But, even more, people don't want innocent people to be pulled into the policing process because of hurt feelings and ego…or worse. Cops are human beings and have a demanding job…but that's no excuse for short cutting due process by trampling citizens' rights.

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