Could Text Message Unlock Mystery of Father’s Fatal Shooting? – Crime Watch Daily

Could Text Message Unlock Mystery of Father’s Fatal Shooting? – Crime Watch Daily

A father-of-five is gunned down execution-style – and the only eyewitness who’s speaking out is his 6-year-old daughter. But the victim’s mother says she has a clue that may crack the case wide open.

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30 thoughts on “Could Text Message Unlock Mystery of Father’s Fatal Shooting? – Crime Watch Daily

  1. The ones that saw what happened or know who it was that "Murdered" this young Father in COLD BLOOD right in front of his CHILD should have some type of Charge brought Against Them. like "Accessory After The Fact", or even giving "False Statements" to Police Officers by saying that they didn't see anything or know anything when in all reality they did see or know something. God has a special place in hell for evil people like this.

  2. “If you were my sister than I would kiss you and tell you that I’m sorry for the shit you had to live through. I know I’m blessed because your stress is realer than anything I done been through” J.Cole

    (Rappin about that lil girl in his KOD album)

  3. Let me see the st*pid black lives matter protest again. More black men including innocent black kids and women have died from being killed by another black man than from cops gunshot.

  4. In my opinion, that reporter showed very little compassion toward that precious little girl. This will be a traumatic memory for this child. I’m surprised that her Mother allowed her to be interviewed. It broke my heart hearing her say her Father’s last words to her…

  5. Not only did this little this beautiful little princess see her daddy dying but evey day she will relive it all over again and not only did she have to relive it with the cops as well as I'm im sure they interrogated her but these fools did it too just for the show and no one.. Not a damn soul on this comment section was bothered about it but me? They could have gotten videos about the questions they asked her as well as her answers because if I'm not mistaking that's public record's… Shame on everyone who thought it was ok for crime time to interview her. I'm really sadden by it. If i was her mother, i wouldn't had allow that. Let alone to put my daughter's face all up here like nothing, but that's just me and my opinion too

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