HELP please "Troy Alexander Strope" Forest city Arkansas , corruption.(quorum judges son Murdered Troy) When AG office was contacted the response was " until you've exhausted all avenues (which are all corrupted in Forest city , Arkansas…they staul you till you're dead in the water cannot go further) "your wasting your time here." People are dying in forest city Arkansas, things are covered up. We want everyone to look into >> Troy Alexandria Strope <<
Little Rock is the most dangerous American city that I’ve ever seen. It’s not safe to go anywhere in Little Rock. Ice Cube and his friends will send you to the morgue. And Little Rock has the biggest, emptiest convention center in America. It was developed by Bill and Hillary Clinton. They enjoy Little Rock, because those people really know how to swing. All you need is love.
About ten years ago, I got into an argument with some people in Little Rock, and was sentenced to thirty days in jail. After I got out of jail, I went to the Police Station to retrieve my belongings.
I walked into the lobby, and identified myself the to the two officers who were on-duty. They looked me up on their computer, and said that I had missed a court date, but they offered to let me go if I signed a document admitting guilt for missing the court date.
I told them that I didn’t know about any court date, and besides, I had been in jail so I couldn’t have gone to court anyway.
The police said that the facts of the case didn’t matter. I had to admit guilt in writing, or they would arrest me for missing a court date. I said that I wouldn’t sign the document, so they arrested me, and I was sentenced to another thirty days in jail for missing a court date.
My Public Defender then told me that she wouldn’t schedule a new court date for my new crime unless I was willing to sign a document admitting guilt for the crime of missing a court date that I never knew about.
The woman wasn’t interested my side of the story. She said that either I agree to plead guilty in advance, or no court date.
So I pled guilty, and then a woman on closed-circuit television told me that I would be released the next day. My original request to see a Judge in person had been denied because in the future, nobody will see judges in person because the “International Criminal Court” in Europe will judge your case, and eight billion other cases, by remote video. There will be one single court for the whole world. And we’ll have a computerized mechanical judge who’s perfect!
How can you argue?
We have in America, without question, the biggest bunch of morons in the world who pretend to be Police Officers, Judges, and Lawyers. Our entire legal system is beyond hopeless.
So as far as I’m concerned, there’s no point in talking about “reform”. We need to shut-down the entire system, wait ten years, and then start building a new volunteer court system with no paid legal staff, and no paid Judges. And no morons.
Jails are stupid anyway. And prisons are stupid. Either a convicted man gets a work assignment, or the death penalty. If he wants assisted suicide, that’s fine. It’s easy and free. Tax payers will no longer employ a bunch of crooks who make money off of other people’s suffering. And the imaginary “non-democratic computerized world court” will become nothing but a memory.
From now on, the court will have new rules: People who are a threat to society get euthanized. Repeat offenders get euthanized. Illegal aliens get euthanized. And old people who are unable to hold a job get euthanized. No more tax money. And no more child support. Politicians have no right to intrude into family affairs.
I’ll tell you something interesting. Little Rock, as horrible as it is, isn’t all bad. The city operates a colonial village with lots of men and women who are dressed just as they would have been two hundred years ago. You can walk around and see the people at work. There are tradesmen like blacksmiths, and cobblers. And ladies who bake bread and weave cloth. The place is beautiful, and it’s so nice to buy things from people whom you know. Blacks of course hate the colonial village. They hate anything that involves work. But to me, it seemed like a model for new towns full of Americans who like working together. And who value friendship. I’d like to live in that kind of town. As long as it’s not anywhere near Little Rock.
I've grown up and lived in Little Rock for most of my life. Ironically enough though, when this video was put out on YouTube, I was actually in prison in Tucker unit — got out Dec 21, 2015, and had to complete 5 years of parole.
I use to live off chenal parkway. Horrible neighborhood. HORRIBLE. The downtown areas are pretty straight for the most part despite some panhandlers or whatever you wanna call them, but the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area are where you don't wanna go if you don't have to. I worked for a Lawn care service several years ago and believe me when I say it was scary. Lots of gangs and gang crews. As a white dude I got a lot of mean looks and people yelling shit but I just kept to myself and stayed with my work crew.
Little Rock is not that bad no different then any other midsize city or big city so all I have to say just be aware of your surroundings and stay strapped because even in a quiet neighborhood it can go 0 to 100 real fast.
Corrupt department, once again exposed by the iPhone
HELP please
"Troy Alexander Strope" Forest city Arkansas , corruption.(quorum judges son Murdered Troy) When AG office was contacted the response was " until you've exhausted all avenues (which are all corrupted in Forest city , Arkansas…they staul you till you're dead in the water cannot go further) "your wasting your time here." People are dying in forest city Arkansas, things are covered up. We want everyone to look into >> Troy Alexandria Strope <<
Little Rock is the most dangerous American city that I’ve ever seen. It’s not safe to go anywhere in Little Rock. Ice Cube and his friends will send you to the morgue. And Little Rock has the biggest, emptiest convention center in America. It was developed by Bill and Hillary Clinton. They enjoy Little Rock, because those people really know how to swing. All you need is love.
About ten years ago, I got into an argument with some people in Little Rock, and was sentenced to thirty days in jail. After I got out of jail, I went to the Police Station to retrieve my belongings.
I walked into the lobby, and identified myself the to the two officers who were on-duty. They looked me up on their computer, and said that I had missed a court date, but they offered to let me go if I signed a document admitting guilt for missing the court date.
I told them that I didn’t know about any court date, and besides, I had been in jail so I couldn’t have gone to court anyway.
The police said that the facts of the case didn’t matter. I had to admit guilt in writing, or they would arrest me for missing a court date. I said that I wouldn’t sign the document, so they arrested me, and I was sentenced to another thirty days in jail for missing a court date.
My Public Defender then told me that she wouldn’t schedule a new court date for my new crime unless I was willing to sign a document admitting guilt for the crime of missing a court date that I never knew about.
The woman wasn’t interested my side of the story. She said that either I agree to plead guilty in advance, or no court date.
So I pled guilty, and then a woman on closed-circuit television told me that I would be released the next day. My original request to see a Judge in person had been denied because in the future, nobody will see judges in person because the
“International Criminal Court” in Europe will judge your case, and eight billion other cases, by remote video. There will be one single court for the whole world. And we’ll have a computerized mechanical judge who’s perfect!
How can you argue?
We have in America, without question, the biggest bunch of morons in the world who pretend to be Police Officers, Judges, and Lawyers. Our entire legal system is beyond hopeless.
So as far as I’m concerned, there’s no point in talking about “reform”. We need to shut-down the entire system, wait ten years, and then start building a new volunteer court system with no paid legal staff, and no paid Judges. And no morons.
Jails are stupid anyway. And prisons are stupid. Either a convicted man gets a work assignment, or the death penalty. If he wants assisted suicide, that’s fine. It’s easy and free. Tax payers will no longer employ a bunch of crooks who make money off of other people’s suffering. And the imaginary “non-democratic computerized world court” will become nothing but a memory.
From now on, the court will have new rules: People who are a threat to society get euthanized. Repeat offenders get euthanized. Illegal aliens get euthanized. And old people who are unable to hold a job get euthanized. No more tax money. And no more child support. Politicians have no right to intrude into family affairs.
I’ll tell you something interesting. Little Rock, as horrible as it is, isn’t all bad. The city operates a colonial village with lots of men and women who are dressed just as they would have been two hundred years ago. You can walk around and see the people at work. There are tradesmen like blacksmiths, and cobblers. And ladies who bake bread and weave cloth. The place is beautiful, and it’s so nice to buy things from people whom you know. Blacks of course hate the colonial village. They hate anything that involves work. But to me, it seemed like a model for new towns full of Americans who like working together. And who value friendship. I’d like to live in that kind of town. As long as it’s not anywhere near Little Rock.
Ik this old but still they don’t even go down some streets because how bad it is where the bloods live yea they not doing shit it’s funny
I've grown up and lived in Little Rock for most of my life. Ironically enough though, when this video was put out on YouTube, I was actually in prison in Tucker unit — got out Dec 21, 2015, and had to complete 5 years of parole.
I’m from Arkansas Little Rock is no joke. Telling ya watch yourself when your there. Pine bluff is bad to
Grew up around and near little rock Arkansas for most of my life. Miss home. Miss you homles from down little rock Arkansas.
It started getting bad 40 years ago and spiraled out of control. SWLR Was set up to fail. White flight happened.
I use to live off chenal parkway. Horrible neighborhood. HORRIBLE. The downtown areas are pretty straight for the most part despite some panhandlers or whatever you wanna call them, but the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area are where you don't wanna go if you don't have to. I worked for a Lawn care service several years ago and believe me when I say it was scary.
Lots of gangs and gang crews. As a white dude I got a lot of mean looks and people yelling shit but I just kept to myself and stayed with my work crew.
Little Rock is not that bad no different then any other midsize city or big city so all I have to say just be aware of your surroundings and stay strapped because even in a quiet neighborhood it can go 0 to 100 real fast.
I thought Chicago was America's dangerous city
they make it sound so bad.
Little Rock is one of the worst cities in Arkansas but it’s still not that bad
This is south Little Rock. Not saying central isn’t violent but south is scary.
I live in little rock and it's not as bad as people say. Every city has violence.
He survived,TRIPPY
That officer nigga cute no homo tho
I went there today
6:09 maybe the crime went down due to either relocation or deaths