Crime Watch Daily works with the cyber security experts at TripWire to find out – how safe are “smart houses?”
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Crime Watch Daily works with the cyber security experts at TripWire to find out – how safe are “smart houses?”
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This is happening to me I'm in NY these people hacked my home and they live in Denmark Wisconsin
airodump-ng in the background with that juicy antenna
Looked like command prompt lmao
Crime watch just crashed the …swinger party…..look at these ladies n their dresses..
Are people really flushing the toilet with smart devices? That's the only part of this video that's surprising to me. The rest is alarming of course , but not really a surprise.
Shellcode for Volume Up : x08x22x01x00x01x00xd4
Unhackable. Yeah right.
that hacker sounds like the teacher from beavis and butthead
They need a feature that allows toilets to be remotely flushed?!?
I think the problem will be that soon or later (but just few years) those devices will be outdated and will not receive security updates which is more dangerous that a default password. Same thing that happen with phones.
Thank GOD for the Second Amendment!!! Get a Dog as a pet!!! Get a Gun for Security!!!
Working for Crime Watch Daily gets you THAT house? Where the fuck do I sign up
back to dial up lol
Lazy Hik-Vision camera installers not changing the password:/
Good video!
mr robot on the tv xd