Crime Watch Daily: Catching Up With Ruth Madoff After Bernie’s Fall

Crime Watch Daily: Catching Up With Ruth Madoff After Bernie’s Fall

Crime Watch Daily tracked down Ruth Madoff years after husband Bernie Madoff went to jail for the biggest financial fraud in U.S. history.

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47 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Catching Up With Ruth Madoff After Bernie’s Fall

  1. Crime Watch Daily reporters aren't journalist… They are bullies. Ruth, well clueless, but she's doesn't deserve to be criticized for having a thanksgiving ornament that I imagine was created by her grandchildren.

  2. This woman should be left alone! I believe she had no knowledge of what Bernie was doing. Not only has she lost her husband, her life has been turned upside down, one of her sons committed suicide and the other passed due to a brain cancer. She’s been through enough!

  3. I like how the media says she wasn’t contrite, wasn’t remorseful etc. she didn’t say anything to him and he has all this info on her. Media again starting garbage.

  4. She may be who she is by her own accord and by association, but this self righteous MORON journalist is cruel. There are many more young journalists out there who handle this story more competently. Bad jew juornalism

  5. Everyone should just leave Ruth Madoff alone. She has suffered through losing everything unknowingly from one day to the next. I understand & know of some of the victims from West Palm Beach. I truly don't think she knew & it was not her fault she fell in love with & marred a man that she Beverly truly would know.
    I believe Ruth would have been happy & be able to enjoy being a Mom If they were middle class people. It seems to me that the $$ might have been fun for about 5 minutes before the person who took it starts thinking about how he wants more. Ruth was on her way to losing everything when she found out about Bernie's affair from a book that was published. Talk about losing everything. I would suspect Ruth is still in the beginning part of her grief. The grief she is force to deal with is not an easy way to get over.
    Who know, as long as Ruth is alive every day she has a brand new opportunity to remain mad, hurt & angry or repent for her own issues, even small ones & accept that she is only responsible for her self & vow to be a better person. It is the same opportunity God gives to everyone & it is an opportunity we have until we take our last breath.
    So folks, how about instead of watching the film people harass Ruth, let's all give her a little grace & give her room to heal. Each one of us might find that one day we need that same grace & we will know that it truly exists because you had a part in passing it on so it could come back 'round!

  6. I kinda feel sorry for her. Just a bit. It’s journalism. We’re always going to want to know and get follow-ups. It’s what happens when you’re a peripheral part of the biggest scam in history, where people died, lost their lives, livelihood and more. And she benefited from it. I’m interested.

  7. Cwd just because you show up at her door she is supposed to open up and invite you in to chat? There is a difference between journalism and think Barbra walthers woulda done it this way?

  8. Do you have a personal vandetta against her? If not, why kick someone when they are down, you exposed her neighborhood and the car she drives… She has two dead sons a husband in jail for life and a ruined reputation if you think that isn't enough you are no better than her or her husband.

  9. you are harrasing her, she had a life and now is just humanly trying to move on in some peace. YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE– she is more than you ever will be with this scandalist forced material . ugh, disgusting un professionalism.

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