Would you go into a Vegas hotel room alone with a stranger you just met on a dating app? Our story: http://bit.ly/1KveuyW
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Would you go into a Vegas hotel room alone with a stranger you just met on a dating app? Our story: http://bit.ly/1KveuyW
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
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3:01 correction Good looking Charming and TALL! if your under 5"9 your not worthy in todays society
Glad I met my girlfriend the right way. Starting with a simple conversation in person. I still remember the first time I ever saw her and thought Damn! I wasn't looking at no pictures of her online haha
"Sex is a hella of drug." Rick James
It’s dangerous for anyone not just women. Women along with their bfs or friends set up men to get robbed. Not safe for anyone. At least meet in a public place and don’t give out your home or work address
No sympathy for such recklessness.
Uhmmm this is dumb
Growing up I was always told don't tell anyone on the internet your real name and certainly not your location, don't meet anyone off the internet they could be a creep or murderer. Now a days it's like "oh you're single, try online dating".
What the hell? So only women use online dating apps recklessly? I get what their trying to do, but maybe let’s not make this sound like it’s exclusively women’s fault for being oh so reckless.
I sent a D**k pic to a random qirl. Never heard from her since. My wanker can’t be that small.
As long as you have some pics, can video chat, were good lol
Only problem I have with this when it comes to women, they are not considered predators when they openly give themselves away for money.
Guy on Tinder, invited me to hos home for first date, I said in public, he then said he wanted to meet at 11. I said nope, we'll either meet midday in a well lit place or not at all, any way I ended up unmatching him and never met him. Never met anyone from there.
Why are you creep shaming. I’m creepy as all hell but I sure the fuck don’t rape anyone!
What women getting on grindr
This is dumb. Out of the many millions of people on online dating sites there are only a few bad apples. No matter where u meet someone, you are eventually going to be alone with them. It's a chance women have to take to meet someone. I have met many men online before finding my boyfriend and they were all sweet good guys. Most men are not dangerous.
Lol..white woman ditsey,thirsty,dumb and always in serial killers hands.. where your mom and dad did they teach you anything?!!

WTF. Why haven't her parents taught her not to pull this shit? You're going up to a hotel room with a man you never meet until now. He's expecting some sex and if you're not going to give it they will take it. Then you yell rape. But you put yourself in a very stupid situation that you didn't have to be.
It's common sense to not meet up with someone you met online on your own and in a private place for the first time. Chat is different from meeting in person. Not all people in dating sites are jerks who just want sex or girls who just wants money for shopping etc but when you're in a dating site and you are in it to find a serious relationship, you have to use hour judgment when meeting people you talk to. I met my husband in OkCupid and we've been together for 4yrs. Worked well for us.
Very foolish Behavior. You would think that women would have learned by now that cyber dating is one of the most dangerous things you can do
He looks like Ben Affleck
Nah. If someone wants to meet up right away or seems to eager, block them. U don’t owe anyone anything and if you’ve only been chatting for a few days ur allowed to ghost. That’s how it works.
Really? I mean really? I'm a really gullible person. But never have I risked my safety like this. I've chatted to people for months. I've met my soon-to-be-hubby on Facebook. Even them we went to a public place and I had a friend with me on a double date. That was our very first date. You need to vet people. Check out their friend circles. See what kind of person they are though them chatting with other people. Even then I took a risk but I was very careful about it. For months. Before I even decided to meet my man. How can these women be so careless with their safety?!
I'm so glad something is being said of this "dating for the lazy and unambitious".. If you have real game- then you don't need online dating. By "real game", I mean- a personality.
This is ridiculous. Plenty of people use dating sites, it comes down to being responsible and making sure you're not going to meet up with a creep. You meet creeps in your every day life.
I'm utterly dumbfounded.. are you serious?!?!? How trusting can you be? Ladies please don't end up on an episode of Crime Watch…. Smh
Height of desperation
70 machesss ? I barely get one match with zero replies
damn! damn! damn! (in martin Lawrence voice)
Most women are just hungry for cock.
Nm rape culture the true epidemic is the WHORE CULTURE!!!
OMG… I live in Gainesville FL

How about you use some common sense, fucknuts?
Mate, Grindr's for gay men.
Also dangerous to meet psychopaths
Omg this is horrifying
hm, met my ex on tinder, met alot of guys there, but outside or in a park. nothing bad has ever happend
I met my boyfriend of almost 2 years on tinder
I actually met my wife on PoF!
really? women are playing russian roulette on apps like grindr that is a gay male dating app?