Crime Watch Daily Exclusive: Casey Anthony’s Parents Open Up to Chris Hansen – Pt. 1

Crime Watch Daily Exclusive: Casey Anthony’s Parents Open Up to Chris Hansen – Pt. 1

Cindy and George Anthony speak to Crime Watch Daily in an exclusive interview about their daughter Casey Anthony and granddaughter Caylee Anthony, and whether they think Caylee’s own mother was involved in her death.

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46 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily Exclusive: Casey Anthony’s Parents Open Up to Chris Hansen – Pt. 1

  1. What makes me sick is listening to her mom talk at Caylee’s memorial. She makes me sick her mother. She talks about how much Casey loved the baby Casey love nobody but herself her mom is delusional and she’s got issues. Hope she reads it. I hope you know you make me sick of everybody else sick you got something wrong with you.

  2. That poor child caylee Anthony had to be born to the worst evil ever born Casey Anthony judgment will be done ..The angels are waiting to cast her out with the sodomites she will suffer a eternity there .

  3. This is a clear case as it ever gets. Casey Anthony is a sociopath/psychopath. She has no idea what love is or any emotion. She can turn on tears immediately and turn them off, if something is ever in the way of her type, they simply remove it. Her daughter was in the way, so she removed it. The only saving grace is that beautiful child is in the arms of Jesus and she will never see her again. Because I can assure you, she’s not going to the same place.

  4. Casey Anthony is the sort of person that makes me wish Dexter Morgan were a real person.

    She's a horrible, horrible person, and not just for her crime. I'm a forgiving person. If Casey Anthony had actually reformed in the decades since this crime, I'd say good, hope she is doing well. But she hasn't changed, has she? She's every bit as vile now as she was then.

    I'd say she is on the highway to Hell, but I'm not sure I can rule out the possibility that she's actually a demon in human form.

  5. Poor parents!!!!! She treated them disrespectfully from the get go. She was such a sicko that she tried to get the eyes off her by falsely accusing her dad. Basically the most evil woman alive. And she’s still out there running around. Sickening.

  6. How come they did not take custody? They knew their daughter was highly incapable for caring for anything so why would they leave their grandchild with her?

  7. In her peacock docuseries, Casey mentioned that she never got any financial help from parents after the trial. Pretty disgusting of her cosidering the level of pain she inflicted on them.

  8. I ALWAYS saw the love ❤️ the Anthony's had for Caylee. It's so sad how Casey took her from them and the world . Caylee deserved to grow up. She didn't even get to see 3 yrs . Heartbreaking

  9. 911 operator: why didn't you call 31 days ago?

    Casey: I was pursuing other resources to find her.

    Other resources: pics of #Casey doing the bump and grind # Casey going down on a dude on the dance floor # Casey snorting lines and doing body shots # Casey in a wet tee-shirt contest……..

  10. What’s so awesome about a 19 year old being pregnant? These people were just as crazy as Casey was. Good grief, that little girl didn’t stand a chance being raised by these lunatics.

  11. I feel sorry for the parents….they reacted like any other parent would have done, they are 100% innocent…Casey Anthony on the other hand is just evil…

  12. Casey is a complete monster, but these two enabled her for her entire life. That adorable little girl was the only victim of this case, as far as I'm concerned.

  13. Her parents, especially the dad, is getting EXACTLY what they deserve. They have been enabling her pathological lies, they even threw FAKE GRADUATION PARTY to hide how she failed High School, and alltogether shielded her from consequences….

    So now they're on the receiving end of her malice, and it's exactly what they deserve.

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