Zach Anderson went looking for love online. Now he’s a registered sex offender. Do you think justice was served?
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Zach Anderson went looking for love online. Now he’s a registered sex offender. Do you think justice was served?
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In the majority of the west, sex abuse against children is a big hatred to the society. Many sex offender had their life ruin because of that. And children has too many rights in the majority of the west.
But in some asian countries like japan or china, crime against children are seen as normal and these case dont get reported as no one will listen or take on the case.
If this case with zach happened in japan, it woud be a luxurious for him as age of consent in japan is 13 and even if an adult who harmed kids there, that's just normal in that society.
If you (or someone) as an adult feels the need to ask the potential partner or that the potential partner feels the need to make a claim about their age, that's a huge red flag. If it happens, take a step back and give it some more time.
That judge should be absolutely disbarred. And if possible (though I imagine it's not), prosecuted for injecting so much personal bias into a decision. Some miserable wreck on the bench (who obviously has never enjoyed sex….or possibly never enjoyed a day of life, period) takes it out on some 19 year old in this spot. I just can't.
Judge has a stick up his ass.
That judge is

I'll be glad when they're all done and gone.
The judge should lose the right to judge ever again!!
He should be on the list! If she lied or not he’s the adult he should know better.. ASK FOR ID I do and I’m a female!! She’s 14!!!!!!! And if y’all Make excuses for this you’re sick.
14 year olds generally don't look like 17 year olds…
He should not be a sex offender! Probation…30 days in jail…ok. But there is no victim because she was a willing participant…so how can it be a sex crime without a victim! He was lied to…and she admitted she did…smh
I bet it's a republican law.
Good old Mormons. It has to be the cult itself. You can't blame society or parents. So many of these psychopaths coming from cult background famillies. Usually Mormons.
When even the underage girl's MOTHER is asking the judge not to do it you know that judge is going too far.
I don't agree with her lying, I don't agree with either of them sleeping with each other without knowing each other. But I don't want someone on that list with REAL SEX OFFENDERS for a consentual act that wasn't an adult manipulating a minor.
My question is why are kids hooking upnover online dates? They don’t have to study or something in US?
I don’t know if I you can come you
These types of girls get young men in trouble!!
Does every other sex offender actually follow these rules?!
So kids the lesson to learn here is just get the little miner to say their older and then they lied to you And you're not a chimo
These are all just rules because hes on Probation once hes done doing his time he won't have all these rules
I bet in 10 years He'll get caught doing it again
The sex offender laws happen way blown out of proportion for decades At this point it's a snake eating its own tail
Poor dude….I hope everything goes well for him.
“We cruelly punish people who are no danger to us, and we don’t properly monitor those that are.” I can vouch for that watching this story and being from MI!
Any updates on this poor kid ??
“Popular website”. Lol I’ve never even heard of that website
he was 20 – an adult.
it was HIS RESPONSIBILITY to know the girl's age, PERIOD.
I hate that the guys are the ones punished for a little ass girl for lying about her age. Like wtf, it was disgusting bra
wow that judge is so wrong… so youre telling me that back in your time people didnt go to bars, meet someone, have sex, and then not talk again?? get the fuck out of here.
going online looking for a hookup is really no different than in the past going to a singles bar looking for a hookup
This isnt fair at all! She lied and he was a teenage boy! I could understand if this was a 21+ man but this just doesn't seem fair at all. This will follow him the rest of his life, when he wants to start a family etc!
One of the reasons why people should never lie about their age. You not only ruin your life but of others as well. What if she had gotten pregnant? Don't have sex till you're 18 and can really give consent.
So now this dumb new generation getting more dumb, 14 yrs old registered for dating site.
If you guys knows about live sex chat sites, many are underage using fake ids to register it n making money doing porn stuff. Sick people
14!? I can tell the difference between 14 and 17. But this is stupid. He should of never been in jail or anything like that. Fucking nuts
This was stupid, he shouldn't have been on that list to begin with
That judge is inexcusable.
This is indiana for you, I live here in this state of Indiana and I can tell you once the cops from around here have there sites set on you no matter what they go against everything (even if inconent) to make a conviction stick even if like in this case its not really his fault. This isn't about justice, its about a conviction they can get to line the pockets of elected officials. Smh to (most) justice departments in America. Not every place in America is this was of course, but today.. Most are just on the