Crime Watch Daily: Family Sues City Over SWAT Death of 107-Year-Old Man (Pt. 2)

Crime Watch Daily: Family Sues City Over SWAT Death of 107-Year-Old Man (Pt. 2)

A police standoff in Arkansas made national headlines and created a firestorm of controversy all over social media.

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45 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Family Sues City Over SWAT Death of 107-Year-Old Man (Pt. 2)

  1. this was the excuse for a group of overweight un professional group of cops who definetly barley function doing their actual jobs as protectors seeing an oppurtunity to use all there sweet geatr and shiny assault rifles to do somthing most never get to blast down the door of a person they deem to be bangerous giving them an excuse to take the gloves off and do watever they want and get away with it…they were lucky they even fit through the doorway… chance in hell a 107 yr old man confined to a bed with a pistol required that amount of violence to control….they obviously enjoyrd eperience… i dare say any person with actual understanding of these situations would be suprised that they deemed this situation worthy of such force….criminally overboard …at the very least illogical and excessive

  2. They could've negotiated with him. His family could've talked him down. Many options. The family shouldn't be suing because the old man no matter what was putting a fight with a gun & had clear intentions of shooting the police. The only part they can have done different was negotiating with him

  3. Cops are disgusting. They love killing Americans. That's why they didn't join the army or marines to fight. When the fight is always more fair than what it is for cops. No way we could have killed a village elder in Afghanistan even in this exact same scenario. If he died were fucked.

  4. I'll agree with the attorney on one thing he was 107 years old for god sake just wait tell he fell asleep..
    Very sad ending for a long lived life may he be resting in peace..

  5. Who lets a 107 year old buy a gun ? Like come on I understand the rights to bare arms in the U.S.A but you wouldn't alloy a 7 year old to buy a gun why a 107 year old legally blind and deaf buy a gun..Family needs to bare some responsibility on this one..

  6. The murder of Monroe Isador is NOT justified. The police department should be shut down and its staff should lose their law-enforcement careers and their freedom for the murder of an elderly man who did NOT want to live out the remainder of his life in an assisted living facility in the first place.

  7. I guess it's okay for him to drive. who in their right mind thinks it's okay to sell him or anyone a gun that the age 107
    hard of hearing and legally blind. The family should also sue the Gun Company who sold him the gun .what was the hurry for SWAT team dinner on the table

  8. This is how it is now. Waco… all those women and children slaughtered. This is the most ridiculous ever. My gosh one person could've went in they had vests. Disgusting…and on it will continue

  9. Where the gun come from??? And he could have easily shot the lady coming to move him, he was reckless, and unpredictable. Who’s to say they wait, move him, and he tries to harm someone later? He would have had to move to a special facility or medicated. That’s as scary as a child killer.

  10. 107 or 27, he had a gun and shot at them. The fact he's blind actually makes him/it more dangerous cuz he will shoot in the blind, not knowing or seeing if it'll hit one or more officers.
    If your dad is 107, where tf were ya'll? Why was he living on his own, blind and deaf. He should've had someone there 24/7. Why didn't ya'll come to move him, so he doesn't get nervous or combative when told he has to leave.

  11. More then a Civil suit would be done. The same thing would have to happen to the officers . Eye for an eye. Death row those cops . Qualified immunity No way death sentence to those cops
    If I had my way as an absolute monarch. Yes death sentence would be my only rule. . This was sad

  12. Nawww it be your own kids to come get you. He didn’t get to 107 for no reason. (How do u kill someone in their own home without a warrant?) He knew the devil would come. Someone took over his money and called the police over their. His own family sold him out than want to cry about what they did to him🗑 u called , but mad they shot him? U called these demons and now have to pay with your actions. They killed him with their CONTROL.

  13. Idiot cops are just trigger happy. They could have waited, considering his age he would have had to take a nap soon. This was absolutely unnecessary. The old man was harmless. These beefy white cops just love to use their guns at any opportunity.

  14. OK 1st Let's say that I'm very sorry for the family. I am very very sorry for the family it truly is a heartbreaking story. But watching the video from the outside 1st you say that he was greeted by somebody who was helping him move to a assisted living somewhere he obviously didn't want to go let me go next to tell me that he recently purchased a gun thank you started by firing the gun randomly into the house it looks more and more like it was suicide by cop. I am very sorry for the family but from an outsider perspective this looks like it was something he intentionally provoked simply because he didn't want to go to assist of living whether it was her fear or he just didn't want to leave his home.

  15. this is absurd. I had a 7 1/2 hour standoff with swat while i was high out of my mind, and then they finally pushed in for their safety after i was threatening to shoot them the whole time

  16. Suicide by cop. He knew if he had a gun they'd shoot him. He ain't going to nursing home. Reporter, couldn't ya just tackle him? Yeah he's shooting a gun blindly. You go tackle him…..

  17. They could have waited till the old man fell asleep and snook in , he wouldn’t have known they were there or get one of his family to visit and take the gun. This really wasn’t necessary

  18. That’s so messed up he must of been so cared and confused in his last moments! They made a whole scene !! If a white man did they would of busted in there with no guns and just tacked the person come on don’t act dumb ! Fix it America !

  19. Wtf?? He was 107! How did the situation require SWAT?? And shot 8 times? There's cold hearted serial killer and psychos that don't get shot that much. This was overkill. I'm glad to see a story where there really is a reason to sue the department.

  20. Well this certainly can't be compared to other situations. On the one hand, he told his family to kick rocks then pulled out the gun. On the other hand, they clearly burst in because they thought he was reloading, so why did they start shooting him if they thought his gun wasn't loaded anymore? Ideally they would have burst in after the flash bang and just ran up and disarmed him when he was disoriented. Grabbing for a gun you assume isn't loaded could lead to some bad stuff too. Idk, this situation is screwed up.

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