The identity of “Woodlawn Jane Doe” has been a mystery since 1976. A forensic artist’s breakthrough may yield further clues in the cold case.
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The identity of “Woodlawn Jane Doe” has been a mystery since 1976. A forensic artist’s breakthrough may yield further clues in the cold case.
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I wonder why she ran away from home and where she was for the year before she ended up dead. She was probably hitchhiking from place to place as is evident from pollen found on her clothes
Identified as Margaret Fetterolf.
Her name is Margaret Fetterolf. She was 16 years old.
I sincerely hope that this case will be resolved. It’s not just about identification, but the DNA . Send her DNA into the CODIS system , I’ll bet it can be solved that much quicker.
Those with d2bw need to step up, do the right thing, and let the world know who this young woman is and who killed her, respectfully submitted
Long shot. Maybe she was stolen as a child and held captive. I feel like the killer knew her or had feelings towards her since he covered her face. Its odd that he kept two holes on it so she can "watch the ride". So it kinda associated me to her being held captive. Also maybe that tattoo is his initials. Another thing. From dna you can determine where from world she comes from? What if she was adopted from Europe and thats why there is no match to her dna? I'm from Europe and honestly she looks like every other girl in my country not so much American of a look. Someone mentioned the man was seen coming out of those woods on that day. He had a white big car. Why don't you ask that witness for a sketch? Or see who owned a car like that in that time in records? Was it personal car? Or was it car from work? I hope we find her family. Also in comments on some of videos about her I saw someone saying they think they know her and her name was Terry. Pls check it out.
RIP Sweet Angel God Bless Amen
He worked at the mental hospital. Wham bam!
A song called "Diray of jane" by breaking benjamin was inspired by this women. Check it out
I don't give a fuck who this woman is! she was murdered, good for her I don't care
I really hope answers are found. I hope this beautiful woman can have peace & her family can get answers
It always makes me sad when someone dies and no one is looking for her. Seeing her photo as a teen makes it worse.
They actually have her movie on Netflix
Could she be a Samuel Little victim?
My gut tells me she's from Somerville MA, Cambridge MA or East Boston. Also there's a hospital for mental illness in Everett MA. All these areas are in very close proximity to each other and circulation of this girl's profile could probably lead to her identify which would hopefully lead to her killer
2 thumbs up for your sweet accent.
This doesn’t seem like a hard case find the institution in the area of the college and where she was found someone must know something
Rest in peace bby
I agree, she might have an islamic backgroud and I dont mean the necklace thou, I mean the bandana and the holes cutted out remined me on "Nikab".Can be also ,that he needed to transport her somewhere, so he used the drugs and put the bandana over her head so it is easier and no one asks questions ( he needed to pass a public place ) . Seems 100% male did that to her, can be from an islamic background too.I think it is not hard to search for Islamic background folks in a range from 5-10 years in boston or surround area where she was found.
Did you question in the nearby psychiatric hospitals?don't they have records or anything?
I dont know why they dont make a dna data base for jane doe john doe and familys that have missing children just like a crimnal dna data base
This case upsets me so much.
Do mental institutions not keep a record of people checking in/out or ever reported a missing patient? If so, would the police need a warrant or something to be able to look through the records or would that violate any laws?
Wow she was pretty what sick bastard did this?
heehee heehee
why are detectives chubby hehee
Not gone lie she looks a lot like Joan Risch because she went missing that same year or around that year that's maybe her
check the hospital
you guys need to start at the college someone there knows something go back to the school
She looks like a Indigenous woman I've seen in Ny
A photo of her tattoo could be helpful
A photo of her tattoo could be helpful
was she Caucasian, Latina, Mediterranean? no info about her genetic make up?
Maybe her killer was a mental unstable guy/girl that escaped the mental hostipal
That necklace is Turkish style evil eye ( usually in color of blue which is ) . in Boston area who sells that back in 70s ?
So sad. What a tragic end to her life. The art is amazing, I hope she is found.
She was beautiful. I hope that someday someone will identify her and that her case gets solved.