Michelle Sigona reports on the unsolved murder of 16-year-old Hannah Truelove and visits the last place she was seen alive.
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Michelle Sigona reports on the unsolved murder of 16-year-old Hannah Truelove and visits the last place she was seen alive.
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I wonder if there was an adult who was grooming her. Maybe someone at the football game
Well where's the rest of the video??? I guess I have to search google for it.
Boy them cops
really looked hard for her now didn't they 
That poor family the mom and dad might not have been together but you can tell they both put her first and they all loved eachother which is how it should be so sad
If they come forward, NO, they will not be fine.
Praying they caught who did this! Someone wrote the Mom has passed away. If its true I pray DAD GETS TO SEE THIS THROUGH. Someone close by did this!
Venmo is under investigation!!
Did some one on Venmo kill some of these people!
Sounds similar to the Debbie Collier case!
Irs very sad & this social media isn't always a good thing, esp when posting pictured of yourself perhaps thought of as suggestive like modeling type poses innocently enough done
Poor hannah was beautiful, & some evil comes along & snuffs her life out without reason. Its tragic & frighteningly to often happening.
I feel for her parants, esp her mum whose heartbroken. I truely hope that someone will come forward & give the family closure. Also this monster needs to be caught before he does this again.
Uninvolved Parent Syndrome (UPS)
Ooh mummy poor lady the pain is too much how does one move past this?
White teenage girl found murdered, and cue African-American male in three, two, one…
Probably better going to the cops about the stalker, rather than tweeting about it.
Thank you for covering Georgia and Hannah's case.
May God bless her family and convict these savage vile demons. May the parents of these families be held accountable, in God's eternial court.
I live in this town who can I contact about info
I live like 10 minutes away from these apartments. I always get an ominous vibe around the woods that surround those apartments. I just found out her mom died. Peace and comfort to the family
I feel like the person who found her body knows more than he saying. How would he had guessed so fast that it was Hannah’s body? Something smells iffy
Honestly, this is why, even at 28, I don't go somewhere without telling one of my parents where I'm goimg and who I'm going with.
If one of my friend's is meeting up for a one night stand or something, they'll tell me their name and address, and give me a picture.
Total failure by the cops! You have her body, phone, witnesses, and even a suspect yet no charges?!
Not to sound mean but the mothers teeth were awful!
if the police said they looked what she was taken from the complex, killed and brought back to the complex and dumped in the woods. as a mother I feel the Kom feels guilty she didn't look for her daughter I'm when she came home thinking she could have died while her mom slept in the apartment seeing she was found behind the apartment. it's really sad that she didn't tell her mom what was going on so she could be worried quicker of she wasn't in the apartment . rest in power beautiful angel along with your mom ….