Well Just based on what I have heard and seen. he was clearly a danger to himself and others. Was willing and able to use a deadly weapon. Would most likely have continued his criminal activity. Resulting in others being hurt or killed. Totality of circumstance. Justified. From a personal point of view I would have backed up to make sure he did not get up. I am not fan of police in may situations. in this case they did their fecken job. They earn a golden doughnut!
He didn’t have to hit him that hard. Just to be honest. That was like 40 miles an hour. Even half that would have been efficient without doing immense damage. But he brought it upon himself and I accept that
1:47. You're welcome.
Officer did a terrible job. This criminal is still in this dimension
Sea! Heysoos still lubs him

Dude should be sentence to death
We need this kind of officer in the UK
oh man down lol
Ah yes, VDM from gta! Well done
I love this cop. Who knows what would've happened if the cop didn't stop him
As a son of a retired police officer I thankful for this particular action against a menacing individual.
That's nothing in Mexico
officer of the year
what a poor wall
Watching that liberal flyover the car was fantastic
Well Just based on what I have heard and seen. he was clearly a danger to himself and others. Was willing and able to use a deadly weapon. Would most likely have continued his criminal activity. Resulting in others being hurt or killed. Totality of circumstance. Justified. From a personal point of view I would have backed up to make sure he did not get up. I am not fan of police in may situations. in this case they did their fecken job. They earn a golden doughnut!
Either that or get shot to death
He didn’t have to hit him that hard. Just to be honest. That was like 40 miles an hour. Even half that would have been efficient without doing immense damage. But he brought it upon himself and I accept that
I love this
In Alabama the cops would have shot him a long time ago instead of following him like a puppy.
100% Justified! The police officer is a Hero!!
I think that was a bit fast to hit the retro bait!! Yeah knock the low life down, not mow him down like a GTA Character
If only they did this in 2020
Man ok but why this fast lmao
He almost sent this dude to 2022
yesssss take that Mexican out like a piñata hahahahhaha
good job police officers!
I hope the guy suffered badly and endured pain that was unemaginable
The lady narrating this makes me want to get hit by a cop car
Shut the fuck up fake bitch spying telephone bitch
I think that you are
with a strange accent
Robocop went ott
That cop deserves a horrid ass beating.