Crime Watch Daily: Is a Serial Killer Hunting Down Women in Chillicothe, Ohio?

Crime Watch Daily: Is a Serial Killer Hunting Down Women in Chillicothe, Ohio?

Four women are dead, two more are missing. Families suspect a serial killer has been hunting down the women one by one. Crime Watch Daily special correspondent Melissa Moore speaks with the families of multiple victims.

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45 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Is a Serial Killer Hunting Down Women in Chillicothe, Ohio?

  1. This case is eeriely similar to what happened to the "Jeff Davis 8" in Jennings, LA between 2005-2009. 8 women, all from the "South Side" of Jennings, literally the "wrong" side of the tracks. In a city with a total population of less than 11,000 people, 8 women between the ages of 17-30, all from South Jennings, all known addicts, who ran in the same circles, hung with the same crew of people, some were even RELATED to each other, all participated in some form of prostitution/sex work to pay for their habit, all it came out, also worked for the Jeff Davis Sheriff Dept/Jennings PD, & or The Jefferson Davis Parish Jail's Warden, as confidential informants. All found dumped in or around the back roads of Jennings, all with high levels of alcohol, crack cocaine, and barbiturates in their systems, most too heavily decomposed to determine a cause of death, but 2 had their throats slit, and a few they believed might have been asphyxiated… but they couldn't be 100% sure. Such a screwed up case, with heavy police/law enforcement misconduct if not just straight up corruption, not that I'm saying Ohio PD/LE is involved or corrupt, but just the victimology is so similar! If anyone's interested, Ethan Brown wrote a phenomenal book on this case called, "Murder in the Bayou, Who Killed The Women Known As The Jeff Davis 8?", which was then made into a 5 part docuseries that came out on showtime with the same title . Great great watch!

  2. I would think its the last person a victims loved one being interviewed by a woman who lives off the coattails of her murdering father.
    I no I wouldn't want to be interviewed by her.
    I find this in very bad taste.

  3. No more victims since 2014 right? He's either moved on, incarcerated or dead. Didn't they lock up some POS drug dealer who may have been the killer but didn't have enough evidence to link him?


  5. What does the rest of the crime watch families fathers do with their lives? I bet it’s far better hearing about than who this woman’s father was and what he did on every show she’s a part of like it’s something to be proud about and constantly mention..

  6. Why does america have the very highest rate of serial killers in the world?
    Oh, wait, why does america have the most school shooters, most random public event shooters, spread crack cocaine, meth…..nvm. Its rhetorical…..
    Capitalists with an ultra superiority complex and TRUMP…..
    (WE, (the civilised world) SHOULD ALL BUILD A WALL TO KEEP THEM OUT! )

  7. Ok, it's time to air my grievances, In regard to Melissa Moore. 1st off, the narrator was a bit over the top w/ describing the 911 call as "dramatic", then there's her comment about how Melissa knows all too well what it's like to have a killer in the family. Uhhh these people don't have a killer in the family, they are family of the victims of a killer. This very statement is part of my grievance.

    So Melissa has made reference in other shows that she changed her name at some point & that was part of her trying to distance herself from her father. Now, she met the sister of 1 of her dad's victims, & that woman clearly stated how everything has always been about her dad, & that she knew Melissa had even written a book about it, & everyone knows who her & her dad are but no one every talked about her sister. Of course Melissa reacted how you would expect, apologizing & agreeing as well as talking about trying to distance herself from her dad and his crimes.

    So here's my problem. I have watched many an episode of this crime watch daily, & in nearly every story that Melissa does, she or the narrator will bring up the fact that she's Jespersons daughter, just like at the beginning of this episode. There was no need to say it at all, yet they just tried to explain how she's a good fit to interview these family members because she lived with a killer in the family, which has nothing to do with the ppl she's talking too.

    So I'm sorry, but Mrs. Moore, you are truly beginning to look like a hypocrite & a bit dishonest to me. If you truly want to be out from under the shadow of your dad, then stop announcing it every time you do a piece. Seriously, it's been stated on nearly every story you've done in this show.

    So again, either stop announcing it, or just be honest & don't tell ppl you changed your name & all this other stuff about not wanting to be tied to your father when it seems that deep down I'm not believing you do feel that way.

    I think that you realized that in all reality, the very fact that your dad is who he is, pretty much is the reason you've been afforded the opportunities to do many of the things you do, like the book, the show on ID, this show & what ever else you do like public speaking etc.

    I'm not trying to throw shade, I just think that you're not being honest with yourself or your audience at this point, & that's what bothers me.

  8. Everything in these videos is “sinister”. All the victims are always “bright, bubbly, the life of the party, the sweetest, most beloved human to grace us with their presence. Just once I’d like to hear. “Yeah, some dude got killt, but he was an asshole and won’t be missed…NEXT!”

  9. Funny how the video of her being a "loving mother" is of her and the baby shortly after they come home from the hospital. U can still see both there bracelets from hospital. Fake, just like all the other new aged race stories, they fail to leave out how the important parts,,,,,,,

  10. I'm sorry to say this and it doesn't come from a disrespectful place however when we see documentaries on crimewatchdaily or any other source, we always see events and details leading up to it however you guys chose to leave out very important details that I know were there and factual just having come from this area and this is my home and my home town I live in Atlanta Georgia now however we can't hide the fact that addiction is a huge problem here it plays a large role in over 80% of the people that live there if they are not addicted they are highly affected by it and some way shape or form. I'm not saying these women were drug abusers that is a highly different and irrelevant statement what I'm saying is there's not enough resources and an economy and Society like this to deal with the people in the problems that they're having.
    Chillicothe and the Southern Ohio region tri-state area or the northern Appalachia area whatever you want to call it has a very bad problem with addiction right now and economy. Rather than helping the mentally unstable at this point they are just locked up or send out of society to stay in the shadows with no help. I'm sure at some point in time drugs played an important role in this weather it be that the killer was looking for money or a way to feed his addiction whatever it may be, drugs is a huge problem here it's almost kind of unnatural to not be using and living in this area.
    There are no resources and no money to help these people so this is why you get things like this going on in the fringes… . We need to step up and help these people because there are too many mentally unstable in this area who have grown up and seen a rough life and that doesn't lead to other problems whether Society wants to admit it or not and I don't care who wants to sit back and called people drug abusers and users in this area they can say whatever they want however, if you live around this place you know that Chillicothe was the first capital and it is the next city over from any of our small towns if we want to go there buy clothes that don't come from Walmart makeup or anything that just isn't from the grocery store around the corner, Chillicothe is just right smack on one of the biggest drug pipelines in the world which is 23 North it comes from all the way here in Atlanta home runs all the way up to Detroit and is not a huge major highway or Interstate therefore it gives users abusers and traffickers more access to victims. Me and geography and economy or play huge role in this and it's very sad but people need to get up and do something about it until addiction is pushed away into the closet and no one wants to talk about it or deal with it this region that I call home has going to continue to suffer cuz we have no way to weed out the mentally unfit. There's a reason I left my home I truly believe that I would have been dead or God knows what if I continue to stay there. There are a lot of people and women than just these four although my heart goes out to them and their family and I hope that they rest in peace

  11. I don't get why this women is making money interviewing people her dad killed. She should be made to give up all the money for her books to the family 😒

  12. I just looked this up, and as I suspected they were all suspected drug users. One had cocaine, amphetamine, morphine, Dilaudid and alcohol in her system. So either they knew eachother through drug use, or prostitution, as this report says they may have all used sex work… so it could be a dealer, and they owed money, a john or a pimp.

    Also the tattooed man was connected to one murder, and the other was convicted of drug trafficking . I don't think the tattoos mean much, but he knew every girl.

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