Crime Watch Daily: Ohio Hero Who Stopped Impaired Driver Speaks Out

Crime Watch Daily: Ohio Hero Who Stopped Impaired Driver Speaks Out

Police call an Ohio man a hero after he chased down and stopped an impaired driver driving dangerously.

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44 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Ohio Hero Who Stopped Impaired Driver Speaks Out

  1. I have driven in front an impaired drivers vehicle forcing her to stop. She swerved all over both lanes of the rd as I followed her for abt 4 kl until I was able to safely over take her. She swerved past a Pre-School, a small shopping centre with Mothers pushing strollers. I stopped her just before she got to an Elementry School at end of class time.

    Thanks for posting this video. The more people that see it the better.

  2. God put you there at that moment!!! You sir are an angel!! You are for sure your sister’s angel!! Thank you for putting your life on the line to help and educate others!! Sending good vibes and prayers to you, your sister and your family

  3. Whether high or drunk, people don't have the rational ability to decide not to drive. In their altered state they just know they have to get somewhere. And a suspended license won't stop them either, they still have the ability to drive, but now they have one more thing to be penalized.
    Only voluntary treatment for their addiction really stops the cycle – and we don't give them long enough jail sentences to help them get clean.

  4. She was on the road, high as a kite, and she has the nerve to call him a jackass??? LMAO no bitch, you're the jackass who drove while intoxicated! He possibly saved YOUR life and others! So he posted you all over social media, boo hoo!!! Shouldn't have been driving intoxicated!

  5. This man was a true hero to many that day , so many lives including gets he saved. I hate hearing his sister went through all she did and so thankful she survived . just knowing how not only her life but those of her family are forever changed because of the drink driver that hit her is sad, and so preventable. It's heart-breaking that in today's time there are more drunk drivers or those like this lady under the influence of drugs that drive with all the knowledge and the teachings we get as early as primary schools. I hate a drunk driver more than anything. It's OK to drink of you choose but don't get behind the wheel of a car or doing stupid things that can take your life or others, those that don't drink or drive when they do don't choose to have their lives taken or forever altered by those too selfish of stupid to care.

  6. I swear getting behind the wheel impaired should be considered attempted murder. You legally can only drink when you are an adult. So act like one and don't drive drunk.

  7. I can't imagine seeing this after what happened to his sister. Damn! This was a very brave thing to do and he deserved the award. This is the kind of thing I worry about most. Being T-boned by some idiot at an intersection and never seeing it coming. Just being snuffed out.

  8. God? Divine intervention?sister? how can it be her? religious people scare me. fkn crazy, and mentally slow , very ignorant also , extra soft in the brain , real hypocrite type idiots . Weirdos of the worst kind .

  9. WOW she is truly a SELFISH POS!!! The nerve….
    I was hit head on while on duty back in '09 and all I remember is me trying to get out of my patrol car to beat his ass but I couldn't because I couldn't walk, and I couldn't even open the door and I completely forgot I was a cop at that time. The suspect literally walked up to my car and started cursing at me and asking why did I hit his car. I was out for over a year of of work. Flashbacks!!!! I traded my gun for a pillow and now I'm a Firefighter.

  10. What a bitch!!! She is mad at him?? SERIOUSLY?? She could have EASILY killed someone!!! And all she cared about was how it made her look?? She doesn't get it and Probably never will… Good job Sam!! U DEFINITELY saved lives that day.

  11. He did well… very well. I hope his Sister's recovery is progressing. I was passenger in a near-fatal a while back, and am now permanently disabled: profession gone. So why do I watch videos like this? Voyeurism? No. I watch them to remind me that there is no other way to behave on the road other than to obey every rule of the road, and to expect the worst out of every other driver. I've held a clean licence for over 25 years now, and that is how it's going to stay. If you want to do drugs, that's your business, but just stay off the road! Stupid bitch should never get her licence back. Makes my blood boil!

  12. She is High… My goodness, I hope she's high because if she isn't, then she is just dumb. I am so sorry… yea, no you are not, you are just really high. A sober chick would not have stopped on the Highway for a strange man, only really high girls do dumb stuff like that.

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