Crime Watch Daily has paired up with the popular website Wild About Trial, a site dedicated to giving up-to-date information about court cases around the world.
First case: Two minors “sexting” each other – now the boy could be labeled a sex offender.
Next case: Teen girl charged with manslaughter after police say she encouraged her friend to commit suicide.
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encouraging another human to commit suicide is illegal and prosecutable.
And he’s black. They’ll throw the book at him

The laws are stupid. You can have sex with an 16 year old but you can't sext them until 18. Plus the kid only had naked pictures of himself. I don't see how this is a crime. The girl that told her bf to kill him self was not totally at fault. He had been saying he was going to kill him self for years. She always talked him out of it. It was getting to much for her to handle by her self so she finally helped him kill him self. She's at fault for helping him but I don't think she should get a lot of time.
What a fucktard racist laws murika has.

The blonde butch is defending the Suicide Assistance white girl…
But here we are
Black boy is charged of sexting his pics alone
Betcha the bitch he was sexting was white. We know how that goes.
why is Allison stand like she has a big ass dick?
What about the girl?
Those laws are stupid
So they can have sex at 16 but not send explicit photos at 16
Holy fuck who made up this shit rule?
With photos there's no physical contact
With sex what could you get?
why is that lady standing like that?lol dammm look like a boxer waiting for the judges card decision