A natural-supplements pioneer leaves his massive fortune to his much-younger new wife — but is she divorced from her first husband?
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A natural-supplements pioneer leaves his massive fortune to his much-younger new wife — but is she divorced from her first husband?
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Rich people problems
who this girl?
Love for the money
is stronger than the love for the living
If this man was still alive the family wouldn’t care they were waiting for him to die to get all his wealth but unfortunately it didn’t work and they mad
Id definitely make her go away for good especially over 800 mill she would never be seen again
Incompetent lawyers!
Meadow Williams
Jews getting outjewed by a gentile. Who knew
This family is disgusting. They are just pissed because she got more than them.. he didn't even like them obviously lol
You don't bite the hand that could take it all away..
The Son is so selfish and heartless it’s not about the money it’s about the love
of a father the only person that truly loved him was the grandson so sad 
I hope she wins. They are vultures
She looks WAY to young to be Marshall, a grown man’s grandma!! You can tell she’s a gold digger.
4:12 see. What'd I tell you. She deserves the money, qnd I'm positive the old man did it because those family members were just ungrateful. Not even sad that thei lost their loved one, only upset they lost their loved money
I guess his product doesn't work since he was so unhealthy but that women is definitely a shyster, she plays dumb.
He was probably a lonely man while alive even though he had kids. Salty family!
I'm stuck on the fact the grandson was working at his grandpa's company and she fired him and tried to evict him from the family home! What a b*tch! That's cold hearted
Everyone is after the money. Nobody loved the old man, he was just their gold mine.
Oh no!!! The spoiled entitled rich kids are actually going to have to WORK for their money like everyone else in the world!?!? I feel so sorry for them!!
The son ( not the grandson) is full of BULLSHIT !

. NOPE! She deserves all the money! He LOVED HER and SHE LOVED HIM!
I believe she's a gold digger as well. Just watching her she has no class.
he says he didn't speak to his father for years yet somehow thinks his father should have left him hundreds of millions. silly man
The father made a wrong choice, this is common when men age they want younger women so they pay the price.
Old men with money like young pretty women… what is the problem?
That's why I have made it clear that in the event of my passing
my 300 dollars will be donated to charity.
Hey baby!!! I'm single,and I know that you are in mourning,
but can we go out sometime?
Fighting over a will while you’re grieving is horrible. I’ve been there. Hope this family gets what they deserve before she spends it all.
Eh his family mad they didn’t get more money
According to the lawyer and the trust document, the family is getting millions, just not the business and they want it all. I'll bet if the man was still alive, he'd disagree with the family.
How does she run the company ? She could compensate the kids with huge profit sharing checks or trust funds .
It was HIS money. HE decided to leave it with his wife. End of story!
They are all gold diggers, but because they are his blood and they helped him whit work in his company, they deserve more of his money.
Oh wow so he did leave his family a good sum of money, even the ones he didn't have a relationship with. I think he knew what he was doing and intentionally left most of it to his new wife. His kids are just greedy and full of it especially his son in the interview.
How y’all bad mouthing his kids ?? They loved their father.. when he was sick she wasn’t even there..
I’ll never understand how families think that when someone passes they are entitled to their money or belongings! You didn’t work for it! It’s not yours unless they have decided to give it to you! It’s a shame that people are greedy and families get torn apart because of it.
Oh Yes The Family Care's Now. Because Their Dad/ Grandfather Changed His Will. Suddenly they Telling All What They Done For Him. Oh He Sneezed they handed him a Kleenex!!!!
All golddiggers. Case closed
I Loved those Vitamins I took them a long Time. Iam so sorry for that Family.
Another Ana Nicole Smith
. Disgusting