Bethany Decker, a young military wife and mother, suddenly went missing while her husband was deployed overseas.
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Bethany Decker, a young military wife and mother, suddenly went missing while her husband was deployed overseas.
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He got 12.5 years. Her husband that is.
carrabas is effing delicious
Should have never been messing with another man while your main man is away, I'm sorry but women need to learn their lesson
looks like to me she isn’t such a good person either.
She didn’t communicate with her for 3 weeks? Even if she studying in different state you call your daughter every day for peace of mind! To make sure she is ok! I don’t get it.
I am angered about these stories, I find these stories very very disturbing
Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
Hurting Women is NOT ok
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
I’m going to go call my mom right now. I haven’t spoken with her since Christmas. If someone murders me I don’t want the comment section talking about what a terrible person I am.
Hello clarisse
REALLY "MOM"??? If I haven't heard from my son in 3 weeks, I would freak out. We sometimes go 1 week without taking, he always responds to a text. WTH is wrong with mom????
If she was born in Hawaii, they would know we don’t use the words flip flop.
How do you have more than a 4.0?
This is one family that keeps turning darker and darker.
Her mother never mentions Bethany's husband except in a cursory fashion, so I have to believe she disapproved vehemently when his name came uo in conversation. I can't know, obviously, but I sure get that impression. She was a cheat and a disloyal woman.
This is the 3rd ep. I’ve watched with a girl in a triangle relationship with her been the cheater. Don’t be a cheater and you will dodge many other problems. What a sad story. And this other man sending her beautiful videos, so loyal. Sad.
Daughter disappears and the officer asks the mom “do you think she is danger?”
Lord, give me patience.
No sympathy. Karma is a bitch. Cheating is never good. Especially if the man is defending this country. Bye Felicia
That's not that far from my family
That little elmo flip phone is pretty sweet
You have her son, but it’s not unusual to go three weeks without hearing from her? Tells me all I need to know. Never mind the fact her husband is deployed
There is a reason why adultery is a sin…yet people continue to do it without thinking about the consequences…one bad decision in life can open the door to your demise…if only she had morality she would still be alive!
Islamic family help ,,,women lucky to live in a place where can steal mans money and protest over nothing
what a waste.
Her Initials Are B.A.D Hmmm,How Ironic.
How come the comments aren't so bad when a man is a cheater? Also, a military job is a job like any other. She isn't worse for cheating on a man in the military rather than cheating on a traveling salesman or something. Regardless, she's a human and a mother whose family deserves justice or, at the least, truth.
Who goes 3 weeks without talking to thier child? I don't care how old they are
Wow it took 3 weeks to make the mom wonder if something was wrong? It's nice she wanted to care for the child so her daughter could finish school but she didn't even see the baby on weekends? Just forget about your baby? Okay…
Don't speak ill of the dead.
She could not be in danger…she is smart ,,educated,,,why would she be missing,,,maybe lots of stupid decisions from this very bright person..unbelievable…monumental waste of everything
Funny I thought that cops accent sounded NY and sure enough he has that novelty Bronx License Plate at his desk
Another cheating wife getting killed. Stop cheating people!
You guys are psycho. Cheating doesn't mean she deserved to be murdered.
Cheaters never prosper
Prayers to her family so sad
Idk what anyone says I find her attractive.
I am sad she’s gone.
Maybe fix you own problems before trying to change the world in a positive way
Married at 20…pregnant…affairs, pregnant again. Please.
When I was in college, I'd talk to my parents at least three times a week. And I damn sure wouldn't leave my infant son with them & not check on him. What the hell's wrong with these people?
Wow there is not one comment on here that isn't viscous
Obviously, she wasn't close to her family. If she was..they would've been alarmed not to hear from her in 3 weeks. Seriously, to the mom here….your daughter has no contact FOR 3 WEEKS? Don't play mother of the year right now! GTFOH! 3 weeks little, too late!
smart beautiful girl made stupid choices tho
i really dont like Bethany`s face….