Crime Watch Daily: Vanished in Virginia: The Bethany Decker Investigation – Pt. 2

Crime Watch Daily: Vanished in Virginia: The Bethany Decker Investigation – Pt. 2

Bethany Decker, a young military wife and mother, suddenly went missing while her husband was deployed overseas.

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45 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Vanished in Virginia: The Bethany Decker Investigation – Pt. 2

  1. If I had a daughter who was missing knowing that I haven't heard from her in 3 weeks like that mother waited for 3 weeks before contacting the police
    If I never heard from daughter for I day I would call the police straight away

  2. What is with all the chickenshit men who terrorize and/or kill women???? Get over it and look at your own life before trying to control other people? And there's nothing manly about hurting someone less strong than yourself!

  3. I am angered about these stories, I find these stories very very disturbing
    Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
    Hurting Women is NOT ok

    WOMEN Have the  RIGHT to FEEL  and BE SAFE

    This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:

    For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…

    Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…

    No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.

    Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…

    My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,

    I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…

    Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
    Jason Sandifer,

  4. Nice that mom knew her sweet, innocent loving daughter was having an affair. lol

    Mom should have the birds and bees talk with her too. Then another talk about her choice in men: likes those bad boys. Well, used too. lol

  5. Unless you know whether or not an accused is a sociopath there is little point in giving them a polygraph or voice stress analysis as both depend on any changes in heart rate,sweating and breathing to determine pass, fail, or inconclusive. .Sociopaths have no conscience, empathy or feelings of guilt or remorse so they can easily pass one or both of these tests. A guilty person, if sociopathic, can look as innocent as a newborn baby.

  6. I’m confused if the mom knew she was pregnant, in a bad and dangerous relationship.. WHY are they not in contact for 3 weeks??? Am I missing something? I mean the mother also has her granddaughter! Should be talking at LEAST weekly imo….

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