Crime Watch Daily sits down with Russ Faria after his exoneration for the 2011 murder of his wife, Betsy Faria. Also joining Faria in the Crime Watch Daily studio is KTVI reporter Chris Hayes, the man whose dogged scrutiny of the case helped free Faria.
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When askey pulled that during closing it should have been an instant mistrial….but the judge is her best friend
I wonder has the family got the insurance money yet from Pam? That angered me.
This title is bad. Should be "Man falsely sentenced by short sighted law enforcement"
That lazy woman needs to go to jail. She’s murdered right after her beneficiary is changed. If Peggy Huff didn’t do it she’d give the money to the daughter.
I think her friend killed her for the money that's why she haven't paid her friends daughters .
Wow that is why me and my family don't believe in police or t j.g e justice system
If you stabbed someone 55 times with a knife you would inevitably cut yourself a few times too. All the cops had to do was to look at the husband's hands and know he was not the one that stabbed the wife.
Typical lazy, incompetent cops, prosecutor, & judge M.O. in the good ole U.S. of A.
how does the judge allow that bullshit theory to go before a jurycwith zero evidence (or charges) to support it?