Crime Watch Daily sits down with Russ Faria after his exoneration for the 2011 murder of his wife, Betsy Faria. Also joining Faria in the Crime Watch Daily studio is KTVI reporter Chris Hayes, the man whose dogged scrutiny of the case helped free Faria.
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This is literally the worst prosecutor I've ever head about
Stabbed 55 times sounds like passion or rage. Hm wonder if fam got that money?
UPDATE: Pam Hupp went on to kill a mentally & physically impaired Missouri man in 2016, which she is currently serving a life sentence for. She is also suspected in the 2013 death of her own mother.
Russ Faria’s case highlights so much rong with our criminal system. From incompetent investigators, to careerist prosecutors, to judges undermining a person’s ability to defend themselves. The system not only failed this man, they criminally victimized him.
That Pam lady did it, she was the last person with Betsy and her stories kept changing.
Why is Pam Hubb not in prison for murdering Betsy?
Ok so who killed Betsy????!!!
Figures. A female judge f's it up. She shouldnt be a judge, shes biased.
"Her friend" did it.
I hate the justice system because it's all good old boy ran. They watch reach other's backs including the public pretender's because they want to be the lead public pretender or one day a d.a so they will not bite the hand that feeds. I try my own caseb and I have to say but if you have an ounce of a brain you can try your own case and win you just need to know the law and have confidence. That's all the jury wants to see is confidence because they want to know that your right. Anyway back to d.a's in general, it seems like even when they know they don't have the right person they still out or statements saying we have or man he is the right guy ect. I day will did you work the case yourself or are you going bye what someone said. The evedince from the beginning didn't stack up so they tried to make there own and that is fucked up. Also they had a Denny suspect the entire time and that's what got him out but he should have never went in the first place. Hell I been in Em'ts and fire for 15yrs but recently quit because of medical issues but I don't cry when I see a dead body. Not even family members and I do fake it sometimes because I know it's not normal. I cry weeks or months later bye myself when things hit me. The entire Justice system needs a revamp from judges all the way down to police officers.
Pam Hupp is going on trial for killing someone else. Just Google her name.
I think her friend did it for the money and did they ever say if she ever paid the family
Prosecutors along with detectives should be prosecuted for this lazy investigation and the judge for allowing it! Glad this INNOCENT man was released.
Didn’t Pam Hupp die ??? I firmly believe she killed her, There’s A Lot of stories than this “old” video…..
2:05 wtf is wrong with this woman? All the evidence points to Russ Faria not having done this. "Innocent until proven guilty" – remember this line from somewhere?
Wow, so who the hell stabbed her that many time…..makes no sense. A hundred thousand dollars is not much money.
I think she did than to keep all the money that is some can of friend she is
2:10 if u cared about betsys family u would have prosecuted hupp years ago
that bitch had something to do with him murder ,how could you be her best friend and kill her for her money? that is why I won't take out an insurance policy because I'm afraid some of my family don't care about me but only my money it breaks my heart that they want me gone for a little money