Crime Watch Daily: Who Killed Nancy Pfister? – Pt. 1

Crime Watch Daily: Who Killed Nancy Pfister? – Pt. 1

Crime Watch Daily has uncovered new bombshell evidence in the 2014 murder of the beloved Aspen socialite.

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28 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Who Killed Nancy Pfister? – Pt. 1

  1. I've seen the Dateline and the SNAPPED version of this story, and I have come to the conclusion, based on the evidence that KATHY CARPENTER, her assistant was the culprit and she framed the poor STYLER couple! She had ACCESS, MOTIVE, and TIME to commit the crime! She actually stole $6,000 and two heirloom rings from Nancy's safe! The STYLERS were TOO OLD, CRIPPLED, HANDICAPPED, and TIRED from moving all their stuff after they got kicked out! They were RESTING in the MOTEL! The supposed "evidence" that the police found near the hotel, was obviously planted by the real criminal! In my humble opinion.

  2. That man was too frail too kill that women.. he and his wife definitely went to her house in the dead of night had a key and killed her out of vengeance. The wife of the man who killed Nancy was basically just short of saying Nancy Pfister deserved being killed

  3. What does her personal sex life have to do with anything though? It should be discussed to potentially aid in finding the killer but other than that, it’s no ones business who she slept with as long as it was consensual.

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