Crime Watch Daily: Woman Recounts Cruise Ship Rape

Crime Watch Daily: Woman Recounts Cruise Ship Rape

It was her first night aboard the ship. When she woke up, she reported the crime and was sent back to the scene.

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33 thoughts on “Crime Watch Daily: Woman Recounts Cruise Ship Rape

  1. Parents MOM and Dad Go with your child on vacation and NEVER let them out of your SIGHT including CRUISE SHIPS or Deserted open prairie areas for campers !!!! Also, if DAD cannot go get a trustworthy Uncle, brother, nephew etc. These monsters have MORE respect for adult males as opposed to traveling females they are looking for an easy prey !!!! Not some STRONG MALE that could easily kick the s out of them and expose them on the spot in front of people !!!! There is Strength in males numbers always !!!!

  2. Aren’t most of the people who work on cruise lines ex Royal Navy? I expect them to be as tough as nails.
    Why can’t they have Royal Navy Police or British Transport Police seconded to cruise liners? Let’s say four uniformed men and ten plainclothes detectives on each vehicle for general police duties, ten detectives for investigations.

  3. Cruise ships are filthy, they're also cesspools of disease, playgrounds for drunks and criminals. Period. And when I see people bragging about going on a cruise as if it is classy or something I LMAO. Cruise ships are basically cheap thrills like vegas. Spend more, and try going some place like Alaska for a month in the summer instead.

  4. This is horrible. If cruise ships avoid dealing with the situation then how are we going to BE and FEEL safe. Disney you only care about money and not about the safety of everyone. This makes me sick and I'm glad that I dont go on cruise ships

  5. People who is going to the cruise should keep eye on the guest than crew as a ex crewm ember I see more harrasment from the guest side than crew maybe like these to cases and if you go to Disney keep eye in your kids at the swimming people there are so many weird and when I say weird I mean it. adult guest go on board cruising alone.There are so many cases of sexual harrasment from guest to crew and of course companie wants you quite They don't want the name of Disney get dirty.

  6. My advise is just don't ever go on any cruise ships. Anything could happen and the FBI can't help you. Your body can be dumped into the sea and no one can do anything for you. Why in the world people go on cruise ships is beyond me.

  7. That's a shame. Again, cruise is like any other place in the world, no such a thing call safe. Parents and adult need to take care their younger. Women should not go anywhere alone, be aware to every circumstances. This is suck, shame on cruise line.

  8. I’ve been as a child to Disney world every year my whole child hood n Disney land when we visited family out west. N grown up n married me n my husband took are daughter to both Disney land n world Disney land when we would visit my mom who lived in palm desert suburb next to ranch mirach n Palm Springs California of course but that mother who didn’t file. Charges after. Daughter. Molested. N on camera should lose custody sick evil bitch!!! N I bet like most Disney. Democrates as 80 out of 1000 percent of. Time like kkk I could go on n on but the true n absolute phoney evil. That’s y u c the violence always coming from left cheating n rape etc etc etc n planned parenthood on every black neighborhood street corner like bill n Hillary Clinton. S. Idol to keep their population down whatever means. Via prison or abortion or murder. Trump so called racist squid several palm beach n other country clubs for not allowing blacks same reason. He wants school choice for African Americans n all other Hispanic Americans. Although I hate that terms to me there just Americans unless born in that other country but they dems. R sick n evil always have been. N blacks like racist al sharpton. N others. Leave racist nwhites. Alone. By them aging. Him offf just do the reasuurch the. Intelligent people. C n don’t falll for nrealize trump has done more for black n Hispanic jobs n community’s. In yes fuming history!!!!

  9. This is so sad. I went on an MSC cruise earlier this year and other then a guy stalking me just a little, it was fine. They had cameras everywhere and staff walking too. I say if you're going on a cruise, watch your kids, drink and surroundings at night when there are less people around.

  10. This is why cruise ships should employ onboard detectives, much like the "house" detectives major hotels used to employ in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Not only would a compliment of three detectives per ship clean up many of the crew issues shown here, but many of the crimes amongst passengers might be solved, or even prevented, in the future. If lines are really interested in protecting their passengers, there's probably no shortage of bored policemen looking to sign on for such relatively exotic assignments!

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