CrimeTube: Mother Critically Injured, Abandoned After Car Crash – Crime Watch Daily

CrimeTube: Mother Critically Injured, Abandoned After Car Crash – Crime Watch Daily

It was a night that changed a young mother’s life forever. A donation page has been set of at to help support Jessica Grant’s children while she struggles to get better.

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28 thoughts on “CrimeTube: Mother Critically Injured, Abandoned After Car Crash – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Naive people wake up everyday thinking the place they live is Oz, they need snap out of this is literally The Matrix every person is guilty and will suck the life out of you if you let them.

  2. I hope Jestin sued the hell out of you all. You all flat out lied on this man. 2 hours left alone when there is a video of the first responders getting there within 10 minutes of the accident? He was also knocked out most of the time and stayed at the scene. The first responders should be held accountable for not rendering aid to him after her was just knocked unconscious. He probably wondered away because that's what people with head trauma do. 🤦🏻‍♀️ You all should really be ashamed of yourselves.

  3. Wow when you see the full video this story the way it is laid out is untrue and pretty disgusting on the part of the news! People were in the scene immediately! He didn't walk away till after medical services were there helping. He shouldn't have left at all but he also had injuries from the crash. It is sad what the news will do for a story

  4. What does he mean Jessica will set the facts straight you left her to die in a car you mungrale thats the only fact that matters ,I hope they throw the book at you god bless you jess

  5. You would be surprised how many people would see something like that and not stop to help. More than you think. It’s a perfect example of the bystander effect. People expect someone else to help or figure that someone has called 911.

  6. What is it he'd like her to remember? What, of that accident, would set the record straight if only she'd remember? The fact that he crashed the car and left her there suffering in freezing temperatures for 2 hours?? Probably in agonizing pain… What a man he is!

  7. She didn’t look like she was awake…she was knocked out he was moving her to see if she’s ok…I’m glad she’s alive n these kids still have their mother 🥺🙏🏽❤️

  8. It's sad.. really sad, but she kind of did this to herself. If my stupidity on dating websites gets me into trouble, I'd forbade anyone to set up a damn go fund me for my children.

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