CrimeTube: Thief Steals Mom’s Purse With $10K For Daughter’s Tuition – Crime Watch Daily

CrimeTube: Thief Steals Mom’s Purse With $10K For Daughter’s Tuition – Crime Watch Daily

A woman swipes a purse with $10,000 that a mom saved for years to pay her daughter’s tuition. Do you recognize the suspect in the video?

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18 thoughts on “CrimeTube: Thief Steals Mom’s Purse With $10K For Daughter’s Tuition – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I see a lot of people mentioning the $10,000 amount and why she would have it on her person rather than a bank and I might be able to add some clarity here because I was formally a bank teller. So, we are mandated by the FEDS to report any transaction worth $10,000 or more. This is something that we do not make you aware of & iit is pretty shitty tbh. We will also contact the feds if you try to give us $9,900 so just keep that in mind always keep your transactions under $10,000 unless you want the feds in your business! FYI, it doesn't matter if you are using a corporate account or a personal account it is ALWAYS reported.

  2. people do you know how many people get money to pay a big payment on something and then decided to stick it in their pocket and leave the purse in a public place to make it look like it was stolen ?

  3. If you're carrying 10k on you, don't bring it into public places like this!!!!! Lock it in your car or trunk even….. Because then, people like this (most likely crackhead) will take it without any remorse for what she has done. I would like to see this junkie bitch try to steal from me!

  4. This happened to me, I grew up very poor and saved 5000 for a used car, I went into a store to get a beverage and parked my car next the a federal building. During that time someone broke into my car and stole the 5 grand, apparently the buildings cameras weren't working that day.

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