Dad Justin DiPietro discusses Ayla Reynolds missing-baby case

Dad Justin DiPietro discusses Ayla Reynolds missing-baby case

The father of Ayla Reynolds, a baby who went missing at 20 months old, broke his silence about what he says happened the day she vanished — and what he thinks really happened to her.

Ayla’s mother Trista Reynolds has filed a wrongful death lawsuit alleging Justin DiPietro caused Ayla’s death.



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32 thoughts on “Dad Justin DiPietro discusses Ayla Reynolds missing-baby case

  1. I know that it was Justin who killed baby Ayla. I don’t even understand why they had not arrested him and looked into him a little bit more.. you could tell that it was just because of all the lies and excuses he’s making up.

  2. Its 2024 what a liar, he doesn't give a damn he did away with his own child shame on him sister and Mom to. Discusting a tiny girl is MIA and the whole Dads side acts like there finch flew away cold folks and the bruises on the visits ahead of time why?!? Why hurt her why were you punishing her!? You all made her? Dont blame the baby😢. EVIL i hate she ever was with him.

  3. Did the dad get the money from the insurance policy he (weirdly) got on Ayla? He got the policy because he KNEW Ayla was going to die. Proof enough for me. He is a monster and karma will find him and his family

  4. If he knows who did it, then he should say. I don't understand why he wasn't a suspect? He lived in that house, blood in his room belonging to Ayla, in his car, etc. Sounds like waterville police are corrupt. Justin's mother knows people in cps.

  5. Ayla isn't smiling in a single photo with Justin.
    Looking at her other pictures, she was clearly a happy little gal. There's a reason she's not in high spirits when she was with her father.

  6. The day before Ayla Vanished Justin took a drive to Portland Maine. He had no reason to go (I used to belong to a FB group of sleuths who had super intel and connections to LE). Here is the thing, Courtney Roberts had been arrested for Trafficking Oxycodone pills (ha! We had no idea how mellow those were compared to this tranq stuff… anyway, I digress). Also, Dipiipii was linked to local traffickers of H and Oxy. So, how the LE was so incompetent not to get them to talk is insane. Alisha and Courtney could have caught an immunity to this case and Courtney for trafficking (in exchange) but are STILL zipped.

    Also, did Trista ever win a suit against Maine DCFS? The random lady that made the unwarranted decision to just take Ayla when mom was at a two week rehab had no jurisdiction, did so illegally, and IS RELATED to Phoebe DiPetro. That woman should be in jail.
    CPS can’t just show up without a court order from a custody hearing OR for a non emergency removal. Ayla was in wonderful care, and was living where Trista and Ayla lived anyways (with her sister, mother and wonderful stepdad).
    Trista got so much hate at first but this woman did the right thing, admitted she had a problem and took the steps to do something about it, and this happens. What does this tell other struggling addict moms who have custody. Either white knuckle the detox and the wave of emotions and trauma that come to the surface, do it alone and never ever say a word or since we may get out kids taken unlawfully, we (speaking in general terms) should just keep in keeping on pretending like a problem doesn’t exist. Of course, we all know that outcome too.

    This case infuriated me and had me wondering every day, “where is she? What happened to Ayla? Did Justin sell her for a debt?” I cannot believe the scum is still walking around…

    America’s DCFS/CPS/Foster system is BTOKEN.

  7. Here we are 4 years from this video and this POS "father" has still not been arrested. None of the individuals in the home that night have been arrested. What in the actual F*CK is wrong with Maine??? There is enough of Ayla's blood in the home for them to say she isn't alive & yet not ONE adult in that home has been arrested.

    Maine has let these people get away with a baby's murder. Hope they're proud of themselves.

  8. I don't understand why he is still free because in other cases I have seen people being arrested during a lifetime without a body found as long as there's enough evidence in his blood and all the stuff about the baby he is so disgusting human being and for his sister and his girlfriend not to talk he can do the same thing to their kids to they should arrest them and charge them and that's that the mother is suffering for this little baby who does that and she won't be hurt anymore she is safe now in Jesus hands where this monster can't hurt her anymore one day he's going to pay for all the things he's done

  9. There was blood everywhere.. new laws need to be changed if anyone dies or suspected to be dead and cant be found all those in the house need to be charged and held accountable time they all be charged and lie detectors to be done.. the girlfriend is my guess


  11. The Evidence is Right there, Are the police that Gullible??& No Arrests??.The FatherBlaming the Mother🚩…They found Ayla's Blood in the Basement & Car Seat from Fathers House& the police just sit there??….The Father Was the Last one to see Ayla, I'm Sure he is a Major Suspect…11yrs On& the Police have Not Arrested the Father??????The Father is Lying!!!!

  12. And that grandma is ridiculous like honey she was in your sons care; I don’t see how things can be so obvious but you wanna think oh no not my kid they’d never do that. That man has not tried to get any answers he wants it to blow over

  13. It’s been 6 years and you think you know who it is but you never say anything. Yeah okay dude you’re the worst of the worst. Haven’t saw the conclusion to any of this but I just know it was him

  14. Honestly, I can't listen to this again. As a mom of a four-year-old, I just can't. I wanted to hear that the case was solved and the beautiful baby was found. The nasty-ass lying piece of shit of a father and his dirty mom and evil accomplices were arrested, charged, and locked up! Trista is a good mom. She knew that she struggled but she checked herself into rehab. How dear that dirty witch looked at Trista and accused her of kidnapping baby Ayla? Like gtfoh bitch! You knew that your evil son killed that precious lil' angel! I hope that Trista and her family will find closure. Rest well, baby. She's so sweet. I cried when I heard that her arm was broken. She was a child. A baby for crying out loud. Why the heck did that shit got custody of her? I honestly don't care if my comment is reported and deleted by Youtube. I couldn't give a flying fuck!! I'm upset and hurt. We've failed our children. We failed baby Ayla. I put it all in Jah's hands.

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