Dancer Dismembered, Couple Caught Through Correspondence (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Dancer Dismembered, Couple Caught Through Correspondence (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

A gruesome mystery washes ashore from the mighty Mississippi River, leaving the chilling imprint in the sand of a headless body. It’s a jigsaw puzzle made of flesh and bone.

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46 thoughts on “Dancer Dismembered, Couple Caught Through Correspondence (Part 1) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Margaret Sanchez was a friend Addie Hall the victim of murder and dismemberment by her boyfriend Zack Bowen before he commit suicide in New Orleans 2006

  2. Wtf people really do the most like why tf thinks that they have a right to take another life !? That poor women must of been so sacred in her last moments she was just trying to make ends meat ! The house they took her too was probably chained and bored up so she couldn’t escape from those weirdos ! I hope that poor daughter finds peace idkkkk what I’d do if that was someone I knew that was alone and cold in an ocean may she RIP🥺

  3. They are so stupid they can't even get dark magic correct. I doubt black magic would take anything but someone pure as a sacrifice. They are also sick to think something that dark would bring about anything good anyway.

  4. You know what I love some true crime but I'm also conscious that these victims have families so the invasive questions about what the condition of the body was like when it was found or the 'fileted pieces of flesh' is just too much. The families don't need to think and hear this and imagine that when thinking of their loved ones.

  5. "And then a horrifying realization, they all come from the same person," how so? In the context that was used it makes no sense… would be more horrifying if it was more than 1 body that the body parts came from. It's horrifying period, but I'm referring to the context the words were used. This world is so sick and scary these days

  6. The stigma on dancers really needs to stop. Nothing wrong with being a dancer or a sex worker. Not a damn thing wrong with it. Not her fault, she didn't deserve to die in such a horrifying way and have her body dismembered in such a horrible way.
    Poor girl really just was trying to make her money to pay her way. People really need to quit victim blaming, it was NOT her fault for trying to make her money to take care of her baby and her self. She did what she could. Just truly heartbreaking.

  7. Fuck, just horrible. That imprint in the sand. Just awful and then bring in that one of those disgusting murders was friends with Zac and Addie just really makes you wonder who's idea it was to dismember that poor girl.
    Rest in Peace Jaren 💜

  8. I wish I could hunt these bad people and give them a taste of their own medicine. Just cut their limbs piece by piece until they re a torso with nubs for limbs and them I would let them out in the woods area that's inhabited by angry bears or alligators and pour honey on them as I let nature do its job.

  9. I'm from st.bernard parish Louisiana 5 min away from N.O. and I just want to say I have a few girls who were dancers in N.O. and they are reg women. They are women with a family and ppl who love them. They are trying to make a living just like everyone else. Do not judge these women please. These are.some of the best people and will do anything for anyone.

  10. The worst part is her child will someday watch this video and realize what really happened to her Mother. She did not deserve to die in this horrific manner. No one deserves this. My heart goes out to her family and that now motherless child. They both deserve the death penalty for this crime.

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