In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Fatima Silva joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss Darrell Brooks being convicted for the Waukesha Christmas parade attack, the jury’s swift verdict in the sex abuse lawsuit facing Kevin Spacey, witness testimony in Danny Masterson’s trial, and an aggressive approach taken by Harvey Weinstein’s defense against his accusers.

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41 thoughts on “Darrell Brooks convicted; Jury finds Kevin Spacey not liable; Weinstein’s defense — TCD Sidebar”
  1. Masterson is guilty as hell and so is that cult for allowing celebrities like him to abuse people with impunity. It’s sad and enraging that there’s a huge possibility that he’s going to be found not guilty . LA County’s also guilty and corrupt as hell, they get payed millions to allow the “church” of scientology to abuse, harass, intimidate, and threaten the lives of innocent victims.

  2. So just to clarify because I'm not sure y'all understood this based on your discussion of it, but the civil trial against Danny Masterson and the Church of Scientology does not have to do with the charged incidents in the criminal trial, but rather the harassment the victims experienced when they came forward with their claims. There are also additional defendants that are not part of the criminal case. One of them is Jane Doe 3's current husband and had nothing to do with the rapes themselves, only the harassment he faced when his wife (and the other alleged victims) reported Masterson to authorities. The civil trial is on hold until after the criminal trial is settled.

  3. I'm 75 and sexual abuse of women happened all too often as I grew up including in my home. Many men, not all men, see women as their property, their prize, their way to get sex if women wanted to be successful. It happens far too often. Do I think some women lie. I do. But do I think that percentage is high, I do not. And why is there a statue of limitation on reporting sexual abuse. At 5, 10 or 12 you can't tell or talk with the threats men make if you do. There should at least be no statue of limitation when it can be reported. That makes me mad as it changes people lives forever when they are sexually abused. You can forgive and move on the me happy, but it still changes your life.

    Darrel Brooks made his bed, and I hope he has to lie in it. He decided to defend himself and should have kept an attorney, but he's a man who thinks he can intimidate with his constant badgering. The judge in that case was the most patient person I've very seen. He is guilty as sin and he should go to jail for life.

  4. Ole Darrell. Claimed sovereign, yet lived off the government his entire life. Had 4 evaluations, by different doctors, he was deemed competent and found no mental illness. The girl must not of seen that this issue was already addressed…He is defiant and his momma enabled him, his entire life. Wouldn’t let him live with her bc of his anger, yet gave him her car 🙄. He did not even a license…Victims may file a suit against her. It being her car, she is liable, as well. He has HAD multiple domestic abuse charges, throughout his life. Anyways, he’s a loser.

  5. It's how you were raised people need to know that you might fall in love with a person that doesn't mean you can rape them or run over people because I think we all had that idea
    (you just don't do it)

  6. Excuse me but it is not your constitutional right to drive into a group of people at a parade. End it is not your constitutional right to injure and kill precious people either!
    What you did shows what a soulless piece of meat you truly are. Furthermore, Get used to the idea I’ve never been a free maniac to roam this country again! Your freedom has ended and after the trial, you will exist in prison until you are carried out in a box. Evil does cease to exit after all!!!

  7. Brookes was & is NOT insane. Brookes is an arrogant pos & he showed that very loudly & disrespectfully in the courtroom over & over again. So glad he was found guilty & everyone who had to witness his behavior can go on with their lives & the victim’s families can know that this part is finally over & they will never have to see him again. He’ll probably appeal but I do believe he’ll die in prison which is what he deserves IMO.

  8. I sure hope that lawyers are digging deep into these girls backgrounds and character! Too many women falsely claiming rape in order to make bank on it!!! Women are misbehaving worse than men ever did these days. The worst part is all the fake!! Fake hair, lashes, busts, butts. Now, fake claims. I am NOT saying these women are lying, I'm saying they need fully investigated

  9. Need to stop calling the Scientology thing a church. They are far from what a church is. I never hear them teach the words of God. In fact, I know nothing about them other than they like to cause hate and discontent and be boss over it's members.

  10. How disappointing that Harvey Weinstein is kind of treated as guilty here, even though there is no evidence, he even was convicted without the evidence against him. Why many accusers? It's not as if many accusers did not file civil claims against him, seeking millions of dollars and to live the rest of their lives in luxury, so you do have a possible motive

  11. He shouldn't of repped his self, he could of done better with just keeping his whiney mouth shut..He is no lawyer and dumb as a coal bucket and head hard as a hickory nut….. Shame on him for not even being human enough to apologize to the families…. God bless y'all and RIP those that didn't make it…✝️🙏

  12. He appears to me to be incredibly competent and quick witted. The times he lost control were in those times where he felt others such as the judge had taken control and he would do all in his behavioural power to regain it. The ‘narcissist’ label is bandied around a lot but this is a prime example of a man who will do anything he feels he wants to do to dictate the narrative, he’s a real narcissist. The scenes with the two photos and fictitious letter are the most illuminating in showing how his ‘madness’ was directly correlated to maintaining control of the situation.

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