Defendants in Alleged ‘Massive Healthcare Fraud Scheme’ Speak Out – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Defendants in Alleged ‘Massive Healthcare Fraud Scheme’ Speak Out – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

According to a lawsuit filed last year, more than 50 hospitals, doctors and others are named as defendants in an alleged “massive healthcare fraud scheme.”

A dozen people who say they are still suffering from neck and back surgeries sat down with Crime Watch Daily at our affiliate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Fox6, to share their emotional stories.

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23 thoughts on “Defendants in Alleged ‘Massive Healthcare Fraud Scheme’ Speak Out – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

    FROM CA. 10 YRS. AGO.
    TOLD ME:
    HE SAID;

  2. Quit having surgery! I’ve been a nurse for over 45 years and u wouldn’t believe the ppl who want surgery, Want! They always know how many stitches, how many plates and screws, etc…so quit having elective surgery! Elective! But how many of u have been cut off of ur pain meds? All? I mean it, if ur surgery is elective not emergent….don’t have it…and the news reporters stop “yellow sensationalism “ u do it for the ratings! Get a real reporting job! I don’t believe this at ALL…! Ambulance chasing attorneys! Sad sad sad…lawyers get 40% of ur pay-out.

  3. How dumb are they hesitating to raise their hand? Obviously if you don't know then probably your parts are not real because if they were it be really easy to verify.

  4. These people had surgery in the first place because they were in pain. Having pain after surgery isn't indicative of fake parts. I have screws and bolts in my spine for scholiosis and I'm in pain too, oh but shoot I live in California, can't get rich now!

  5. Also, the fact that all these people are still in pain likely has little to do with knockoff hardware. Back surgery is notorious for frequently not helping. There is even a recognized syndrome called "failed back surgery syndrome". So I doubt ALL of these people's surgery failed because of knockoff hardware, and I doubt all of them even have knockoff hardware since it sounds like they won't be able to tell until and unless it is removed

  6. "I really don't trust doctors now"

    Ummm, what part of this is the doctors fault. It's spinal solutions fault, and it's the hospital or facility's responsibility to do everything they can to make sure they are purchasing legitimate, quality products. The doctors only use the products provided to them to perform surgery, it would only be on their hands if they were suspicious that it was bad product but used it anyway or were neglectful about doing what they can to ensure the safety of their patients.
    It pisses me off that people always makes this kind of thing out to be the doctors' fault as well as things like outrageous hospital bills. Each individual doctor does not decide how much to charge for supplies and facility charges unless they own that hospital

  7. I had herrington rods and screws placed 17 years ago.. when they thought herrington rods would be a good idea. Im 29 and losing the ability to walk and other major things and they say they need to come out but have no health coverage. Mine was dont in colorado too.

  8. Omg..i had half my skull replaced with a bioplate..i asked to see my skull as it was to be in a hospital freezer 4months..the anestegologist I could see it when I got to surgery..i remember being pushed down the hallway next thing I know I'm waking up in pain..when dr.retired I got to pic up my medical to reading 1st page and was shocked.sad.

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