Dentist allegedly poisoned wife’s shakes to date mistress; Man dies in suitcase after drinking game – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A dentist accused of poisoning his wife to start a new life with his orthodontist mistress. Plus, a woman charged with murder after her boyfriend suffocated in a suitcase.

Caitlyn Becker joins host Ana Garcia.
Ana Garcia

Caitlyn Becker
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47 thoughts on “Dentist allegedly poisoned wife’s shakes to date mistress; Man dies in suitcase after drinking game”
  1. I just don’t get why you stay AFTER you KNOW your husband tried to poison you!. Whyyyyyy????? You actually KNOW!!! Like… God gave you a chance to run! Why?. Sigh… So sad… I’m sure she tried to believe there was still something good in him. RIP. 💔

  2. A pediatric dentist everyone adored in my area got arrested for SA little boys when they were under nitrous oxide. He didn't look or act like a preditor, has children and a nice wife. People were shocked, this dentist took advantage of those little ones

  3. For the record the mormon church supports their congregation… When his wife died they felt that he needed help cleaning the house. How awesome for those hard working Mormons to take the time to sympathize and help this man clean for his kids

  4. Neural circuits responsible for conscious self-control are highly vulnerable to even mild stress. When they shut down, primal impulses go unchecked and mental paralysis sets in….LUST AND GREED AND GLUTTONY DO THE SAME

  5. I mean if this was a game I would certainly makes sure I had little pocket knife or something so I know I could get out infact I wouldn’t let anyone close me in a suitcas it’s crazy and dangerous and it doesn’t sem a game which everything she is saying .and maybe they have done this before but they bothe let each other out and she got idea just to trap him to make go in it thinking he will get back out

  6. My question about man in suit case is why he couldn’t just use his fingers and open zip .im sure if he felt around he would have been able to find the little inside part of the zip surly I know he probly drunk and not think g but she videomake videos it and he tells her he can’t breath and she laughs it’s sad .and sick I mean if it’s a game he should have been out within ten minutes or something not hours later and being restricted of moving he would have been using all his air to try shout and no room to move

  7. Usually a suitcase has the zipper going around. Considering he's not drunk and she does not put small lock or ziptie the 2 zipper tabs together I would think it might be possible to open the suitcase if you are inside….but maybe there wasn't enough space to move around inside or enough air.

    Now if Sarah did open the case to let him out, who knows, this case might be a totally different case if the guy killed her in a rage for temporarily locking him inside.

    Bottom line, don't put people inside suitcases or refrigerators!

  8. Many times i read comments that begin with “ how could anyone do this” and “ I could never”
    Clearly from the very high number of crime channel videos of diabolical crimes Many people can and do

    “ Oh the tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”

  9. Sarah obviously had vengeance which is quite common in ppl holding resentments and under the influence. Seen many couples arguing or venting about all the wrongs their SO has done against them. But ppl need to learn to leave these abusive relationships.

  10. If anyone reads this, I’m gonna get a lot of hate. Is it possible that the wife set her husband up? Poison is normally the weapon of choice for women. She probably knew that he was having an affair. And going to leave her. She might not have even meant to kill herself, just set him up. I’m just curious if the Dentist is saying the same thing?

  11. My neighbor Stacy in Saratoga Springs, Utah is a mistress!

    She is having sex with my husband and plotting my death!

    I caught her hooking up with my husband! This is why i want to get divorced with my husband as he was sleeping with Stacy!

  12. You do know some people can't help it. It is a disease. Why are you so judgemental towards people? I watch your videos until the end of the case then I turn it off. It's like who made you God. Pretty sure if we seen a little bit of your life we would all find bad things wrong with you. So don't judge please

  13. Every time I see this video, I can just hear his voice. He is scared he can’t breathe, and then I hear her tormenting him saying that’s my name don’t wear it out. ***you this is so bad. how she could be so cool to him just because he cheating on you or oh well. Maybe she deserve to be cheated on.🤦‍♀️😔🤬😡🤬😡

  14. I have an extremely difficult time hearing about the suitcase Sarah case. I wonder if it's, in part, due to the fact that my name is Sarah. When I hear him begging her, my brain is like "what are you doing!!! Fucking help him now!" But I can't. I'm watching it happen.

    I don't know how someone could hear someone afraid and begging and not do anything.

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