Deputies Stop Sheriff From Going Irate – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.


37 thoughts on “Deputies Stop Sheriff From Going Irate”
  1. Who is paying for the electricity used during this meeting in a public meeting? The taxpayers. Therefore, a private group should not be entitled to have closed door meetings while using taxpayers money.

  2. If anyone deserves to have the shit smacked out of themselves, this woman does. She deliberately was trying to incite violence even saying “I’m going to ‘make them arrest me.’” This is a nasty, vile woman.

  3. After her comments about his wife, and the explanation about "fighting words" i took it as yes absolutely, fighting words by legal standard. I guess thats why im not in law school. But what am ugly, disgusting woman nonetheless

  4. She crossed the line. Making comments about his dead wife was going too far. She’s lucky he maintained control but he’s still a human. He takes those feelings home with him and has to deal with them without help. I’m almost always on the citizen’s side but not this time.

  5. I have personally encounter this women at protests, she is one of the nastiest vile humans I have ever encountered, she doesn’t know laws and intentionally tries to instigate fights among people. She is a disturbance to the peace and violates all constitutionally given rights. She moves with a security unit because she is so vile. She will scream and spit in your face trying to get a rise out of you, blow air horns and mega phones. She is chasing fame and nothing less. She undermines black rights by her attendance than anything. We have had great conversations with black activist, shook hands, and hugged until she shows up screaming at everyone. This video does nothing more than give her views. I don’t even have to see the beginning of this video to see what happened. I can almost guarantee she was screaming and yelling using vulgar language trying to make everyone pay attention to her. If you want to divulge deeper she lives in a $400k house with multiple vehicles yet she screams she’s oppressed, again I say I have dealt with her vile self for many years at protests where she has tried to incite violence between protesters for her filming.

  6. While the way they turned what seems to have been a public meeting into a private one seems kinda sketchy, her behavior is absolutely atrocious and hateful. The Sheriff IMO showed great resolve and restraint.

  7. This is difficult because politcal parties are semi-private, unlike town meetings. This is likely a state law issue and not a Constitutional one.

    But it’s clear her behavior from the beginning was deliberately confrontational and she likely would have been asked to leave the meeting anyway if they had given her access.

  8. She seems like a pretty unbearable person.
    Just for fun: The description of her YouTube channel describes her as affirming “anarcho-communism, critical race theory, intersectionality, radical feminism.”

  9. Ugh .. for once I might agree the Auditor had a big mouth, was insulting, and even trashed the Sheriff's dead wife ..

    This GOP Meeting was Private, not comprised of Public Officials acting in their Public Roles..

  10. I have been watching this channel for a while. never came across this video and WOW. you look nothing like what I imagined and now I'll never watch these videos in the same way again ahahahahahaha. Thank you for these videos, they are very informative and I love the objectivity and neutrality.

  11. A hateful heart speaks hateful things— this girl needs to be dealing with herself instead of worrying about the business of others. I will say a prayer for her because it hurts to see anyone with so much seemly misery pent up inside.

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