Deranged boyfriend shoots girlfriend and her sister after multiple incidents with no arrest – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: After making Christina Ashlee Rucker’s life hell, her sadistic boyfriend turned his sights on her entire family.


42 thoughts on “Deranged boyfriend shoots girlfriend and her sister after multiple incidents with no arrest”
  1. Look, I was inan abusive relationship & cops were always called. They never arrested him. I had to get PFA's. A cop actually told me they don't like getting involved in these situations bc the girl usually always goes back & it's a waste of their time & a bunch of paperwork. That's why the cops didn't get involved in Ashley's situation bc she kept going back to him. 😢

  2. You have got to be the biggest PO narcissistic greedy coward To hire a hitman to unalive your soon to be ex-wife of 23 years, And to instruct the hitman to go ahead with unaliving the children if they get in the way/are home. Wanting to get rid of his soon to be ex wife is one thing, but he SERIOUSLY valued $ more than his OWN flesh & blood daughters. This was all bc he wanted to run off into the sunset with his stripper mistress. I highly doubt when he saw her sliding down the pole, he thought “She is best qualified to be my receptionist. “😂He wanted the mistress to use her “Skill set” at his office…..under/on top of his desk daily.I’m sure tge rest of his employees caught on to her “Skill set” quickly. Did he really think his wife wouldn’t figure it out? Did he really think the investigators weren’t going to suspect that he had an involvement in hiring the hitman after the false claims of affairs/trying to unalive him he made in court during a divorce, hearing prior to this? All of the People that were involved in this plot are lucky that it didn’t go through or else the charges would have been severely worse. I am so happy. The guy had a conscience/decided to tell the investigators about the plot, before taking innocent lives. I know the ex-wife in the children are forever grateful to him because it ultimately saved their lives. I’m confused why he did any time though for it. He testified against them/star witness, And should have asked for immunity. Doesn’t the prosecutor and the investigators realize without him they would not be alive today? They could’ve given him probation. The message that they send others in the same situation is that even if you do the right thing you will still be in trouble which is ridiculous. Ultimately people that are involved in these types of situations. May decide not to come forward even when they don’t go through with the plot. And then the person will just find someone else to do it which means no lives are saved. I will never understand how a person thinks they can get away with anal someone in their close circle and think they’re not gonna get caught. what is the point? It never ends well, 9 times out of 10 You end up losing your freedom for the rest of your life, and the reason you did it in the first place is never worth it.

  3. I remember a judge once stating, “ sometimes you have to protect a person who will not protect themselves.” She was not going to dismiss the charges/non contact order, even though the victim was asking her to. Here in the states of MO & KS even if a victim wants to drop the charges, the state picks them up. They do not play around with violent aggressive abusers, and crimes against children/elderly. I would think that every state would pick up the charges regardless. It’s insane that they didn’t arrest this dude prior to this tragic event happening. He’s a felon they’re not allowed to have weapons, and obviously he had weapons. he’s violating his probation/parole so I don’t understand why it wasn’t revoked, and sent him back to Prison. So many things should have been done before it got to this point. and I don’t know why on earth, the girls opened the damn door after all the sweats that he made, and abused she endured. Why didn’t the police come right away? I’m so confused call back if something happens no you send somebody out there regardless you don’t know if they’re being forced to end the 911 call, or what’s truly happening in the house!!! Especially after figuring out he had a gun on him, he obviously came to do more than just talk. They figured that out the moment he walked in the door and started strangling her. I wish the sister would have called the police back right away after figuring out this. Knowing that her sister had signs of battered women syndrome/conflicted because of love, she would try to de-escalate the situation on her own. The sister should have demanded the police come out and got some help and press the charges on him regardless of if her sister would’ve been mad at her. Her sister could’ve said everything that happened and they would’ve arrested him. So even though the sister wouldn’t press charges again, probably she can. stories like this, make me so angry. I know how hard it is to leave an abusive relationship, but sometimes we have to protect others that won’t protect themselves.

  4. Ashlee allowed this to continue because she didn't leave, file a report, continuously took him back and then allowed him into her sister's home where children were present. I'm not usually into victim blaming but this could have been prevented if Ashlee took the advice of everyone around her and got the hell out of that relationship and filed multiple police reports.

  5. Canadians ARE FOR THE MOTION, it's unfortunate those Libtards, NDP and Quebecois who were elected to represent them WON'T. And the comment wasn't homophobic, it was truthful (and funny!), which OBVIOUSLY hit a nerve.

  6. Ashley's father is spineless. You don't need to antagonize someone who beats / abuses your child to get at them. You be a man and go defend your daughter. Chad continued to abused her because he saw that the men in her life were all spineless

  7. Im sorry but my father and mother would not even stand for this. They'd have me in their home with all protection put up. No cordial behavior, police would be called and they would do all they could to help me. Nobody in my family would be so lenient if a man like that came in the picture. shame on Chad, his sorry father and those who allowed this to happen. Im so sorry for Ashley's children, her family and friends ….no one should lose their loved ones to a pos abuser

  8. To all your you women out there. Take a second look at the man You're gonna be dating. If Hes got beadey eyes, a short haircut and a beard and if he pushes you once walk away, if he beat you up, walk away because he's gonna kill just walk away

  9. OMG how dare that girls sister bring her demented boyfriend in her sister's house and let him hide a deadly weapon in the house from others. She literally brought a killer in a safe house with children. I'm disgusted and mad with that girls sister. As mad at her as I am him. She selfishly kept children around that guy. I'm a victim of domestic violence myself with 3 children with the abuser. I was mad angry with my self for years who putting my children through that. So forgive me for the frustration. Thank God every day I survived my attack.

  10. When youre in an abusive relationship, you dont just jeopardize your own safety, but you are jeopardizing your loved ones' safety. Abusees must always consider this when they lack the willpower and strength to leave an abusive relationship.

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