Devil’s Island: Missouri’s Jacque Waller case

Devil’s Island: Missouri’s Jacque Waller case

Jacque Waller thought she escaped the violence. She left her abusive husband and found a new love. But little did she know, her past was about to catch up with her.



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39 thoughts on “Devil’s Island: Missouri’s Jacque Waller case

  1. They have done their beautiful mum proud her sister and brother in law has done a wonderful job rearing these lovely well grounded children up I wish them all well for the future, their mum can now rest in eternal peace ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. There's No Way… I Would've Stayed With That Guy!!! I Would've Moved into A Police Station with My Kid's, Not Leaving to Even Go to The Store!!! When Someone Threatens their own Children with Death… They're Capable of Anything & Everything!!! 🤨🤨🤨

  3. Thank GOD and All the Law Enforcement and Procecutors for Charging his other Crimes. JUSTICE on Earth. Without the Deal, he might have "walked free". Without the deal, Jacque likely would never have been found. With Clay's own words, he sealed his fate for Incarceration.
    And, I had thought ; if the Defendant Fails to provide all that was Written in the Plea Agreement, he "Forfeits" the "Deal". He LIED how he killed her.

  4. Women tell cops in advance; especially, when husbands/dads threaten the children. Some cops (tlg) ignore a women's threats to their Life. THANK GOD this Team was IMMEDIATELY Involved. 😥💔 for a Mom, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, †🙏🏼

  5. Those kids.. what a tribute to their mother. The heroid statement of the son, so wise for so little years. And so full of righteous indignation. And that last sentence of one of the girls… So sweet to her aunt. I hope they fare well, those three.

  6. It sounds like this lady got into a relationship with a man that she liked to belittle. It does not excuse it, but it's disgusting to hear these people talk like this "lady" was a saint. Thumbs down.

  7. People must take threats seriously.. they tell people if anything happens to me they say who would hurt them. However they stay with that person or go to see them one last time.. what’s wrong with people. They put their own life in danger.

  8. The most dangerous time in a marriage is right after one person says they are leaving. That tearful msg was the worst case of acting I’ve heard. This is about control. He was losing it over her. She dared to leave him! He is a narcissist, evil, monstrous abuser.

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