Did Halo Video Game Drive Son to Murder? – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Did Halo Video Game Drive Son to Murder? – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily speaks to the father of convicted killer Daniel Petric.

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20 thoughts on “Did Halo Video Game Drive Son to Murder? – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I am a guy that LOVES video games and do not think that video games are a thing that cause ALL people, kids, and teens to commit acts of violence like this as such


    Because of teens like this one my current take on the subject is that there are SOME people out there that should NOT play certain games due to psychological and/or anger factors and issues should NOT play certain game titles.

    Plus I was taught when I was younger if you have to cause a scene or fuss that much over something that dads rule on that at the time was that If i have to fuss that much over something or cause a scene by use of a tantrum then you should not have access to whatever it is your complaining about.

  2. What seems obvious to me was this kid became depressed and secluded. He was clearly going through some sort of mental health crisis. Stop blaming the video games and stop blaming the guns. If you're convinced that it was the fault of either one of those you are a very simple-minded individual.

  3. I believe you already have to be mentally unstable for a video game to push you to do something unspeakable. I’ve played video games all my life at all ages and always could separate non fiction from reality. Don’t blame the video game. Blame the individual 👍🏾

  4. Hilariously dumb video. "Most violent generation" Halo is violent? You fight space aliens in a sci-fi galaxy…
    Maybe keep better care of your VIOLENT GUNS you keep in the house!
    I mean could the shooting of happened as easily withojt the gun there?
    That is just as much to blame as "oh he happened to play videogames, They MUST be the culprit" lol

  5. This isn't the game's fault. This was human error.
    – The kid did something stupid. He was in a dark place after having a horrible accident that took away his mobility.
    – The parents should not have taken the game and put it right next to a pistol of all places. That's asking for the gun to be found. Literally breaking one of the first rules of gun safety by encouraging your child to find and use it.
    This video is heavily misleading and I'm very disappointed in how they've framed this story.

  6. "the most violent generation" Yeah because kids are growing up without fathers, or fathers that are weak and never punish their kids. Everyone coddles kids so much they never learn to control their emotions one reason is because women teach their children to be emotional, good and bad are treated the as the same, Or weak fathers who don't put down the law and teach them that life has consequences for your actions. No one is there to teach them to control their emotions, and or they are allowed to get away with doing things that are way out of the normal and they protect them when they should scold them or whoop their ass. Then there's the people that are just crazy and have no remorse or regret and are simply psychotic. law enforcement is also a huge factor not making people liable for their actions. Politics are out of hand treating mental illness like it's a good thing and if the Dems get their way there will be no law enforcement and all chaos is going to break out like it already has for theft and homelessness in Democratic run states. Drug deaths are up, shootings are up, crime is up, and you wonder why people are doing the crap they're doing?

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