Crime Watch Daily speaks to the father of convicted killer Daniel Petric.
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Crime Watch Daily speaks to the father of convicted killer Daniel Petric.
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I've been playing video games for over 30 years, and I've never killed or even harmed another person. I can say with 100% certainty that video games are not to blame for this crime. Stop making excuses for the perpetrator. It's just as gross as the crime itself.3 days with only bathroom breaks and a bowl of cereal….ummm bigger question why did they even let it even get to that point?! and at what point do you say ''Our son, a minor has problems and we're going to get him professional help while we can as his parents NOW once he's a legal adult if he wants to choose video games over his future and family his choice not ours we did all we can, end of story best wishes to all in this tragic situation RIP Mrs. Petric.
P.S.I have seen first hand what issues like this can do i have relatives who chose video games and drugs, violence etc over family and relationships even job oppertunities and I can tell you without a doubt those individuals had issues from the cradle to the grave years before video games ultimately it's just very sad when all you can do is offer and they refuse but hey what do i know?
So why isn't there a connection made between the religion and the incident? If Halo made someone a murderer, couldn't you say that Jesus made someone murder their parents?
Looks like you ain’t gonna be playing halo anymore sweetie.
Overstrict parenting never helps. Should have just let Daniel play the new Halo game after all. He would have beaten the game and moved on to other interests. Mother dies and Father is injured senselessly. Let your children play.
why the dad want to forgive this phyisco kid after when he shot him in the head. Than the son blamed him of the murder. The father knew he needed help and didn 't do anything about it. lts sad the mother died. just over a video game really. This kid was a nut case.
Life issues not the game!!
Was hätte er dann bei release zu halo infinite nur angestellt?
this explains why 2007 was a very terrible year
I grew up watching a road runner kill a coyote in every way imaginable, I watched a fat pudgy man hunt a rabbit who tricks him into getting killed in many ways. An alcoholic abusive father who ignores his lil girls and chokes out his son. BUT NOOOO it's different now? Pffft stop blaming video games to hide your lack of parental guidance.
Depressed person: lost what he loves, feels trapped and isolated, gets some thing to distract him that feels good
Family and police: The thing that made him feel good made him attack us
Obviously because his first reaction was to go to his friend's house to play the game makes it clear he's fucking delusional and has some fucked up issues that have nothing to do with the game. Also Daniel was old enough to KNOW what death is. He's not mentally retarded. Every child that is not mentally retarded understands what death is by 7 years of age. Hearing that judge's opinion made me cringe. Btw if you're gonna blame a videogame then blame GTA not Halo 3 you stupid fuck. Thats like blaming Seseme Street instead of SAW
Jesus Christ what a fucking loser. I hope all that shit was fucking worth it for him because now he's never gonna be able to play Halo or any other video game ever again.
I myself play video games (Call of Duty and other shooter games) with my teenage son…if they would have gotten that poor child some help when he got injured and could no longer play sports maybe things would have turned out differently….sometimes it's just easier to blame someone/something else for the problem instead of taking responsibility…I truly hope while this young man sits in prison that he will finally be able to get the help he needs
Entertainment is influential.

It's hard for non-brown parents to accept their kids are cray cray.
Shooting innocent children then blaming mental health.
This generation always responds with mental health. This kid needs to be picked up forever
The parents are pretty dense. Dosnt look like they understand anything. Kid loses the ability to do his favorite thing in the world, dosnt get therapy or understanding.
Also dumbest judge ever.
Did Halo videogames drive this boy to murder?
Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
over a video game….omg
The title is so cringe lol
I'm glad the people in the comments of this video are smart enough to recognize how absolute BS this 'documentary' is.
Sorry but he is old enough to know better & understand the difference between games & real life. He had to know that if he shot them there was a good chance they would die. I think the gamer thing doesn’t stand up for me. There has to be some underlying issue because my son has played those games at times & he is the sweetest kid ever & he knows full well that he is playing a make believe game. He wouldn’t hurt a fly in real life.
5:43 forgive after he was shot by his son
The fault is on the kid because he was addicted to the game like crack
The FPS game is not what caused this!
I play them and have no urges to go hurt people and you can make me stop playing them and I will be ok. This was a lack of care an attention to an underlying condition he was suffering from.
The FPS game is not what caused this!
I play them and have no urges to go hurt people and you can make me stop playing them and I will be ok. This was a lack of care an attention to an underlying condition he was suffering from.
The FPS game is not what caused this!
I play them and have no urges to go hurt people and you can make me stop playing them and I will be ok. This was a lack of care an attention to an underlying condition he was suffering from.
He's such a liar!!!!
Maybe keep your gun “out of reach of children”? Or blame a video game. Whichever takes responsibility away from you and him
I played shooter games my entire life I never shot anyone and dont want to

man halo 3 was sick though lol
what a loving dad ya my son shot me in the head and my wife but ya it was halo wtf maybe the kid was doing us a favor they fucking crazy
Lol a dangerous obsession? You can tell this was made in the 2000s.
Yea right !!
What a weirdo … don’t blame the game
this generation of parents don’t believe in depression or mental illness . it’s always something else
Video games are not evil parents and drugs are evils