Joe Shymanski was a doting father, beloved brother, and talented photographer. How did he end up dead and dismembered allegedly by a man known to his kids as “Uncle Brandon?”
To learn more about Joe Shymanski’s case, visit
I had no bad. Think good 'ol uncle Joe would fit right in at TSA? Support the channel at Big Daddy Unlimited: ---- APPAREL: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: ---- ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Officer Brandon Bowling - Springfield Police Department, MO Officer Brandon Bowling is dispatched to a disturbance involving a knife. He arrives to find two brothers who have just had a fight in front of their Mother. One brother has a parole ankle tracker and has just defended himself with…
We can all have a good laugh at the scientific reasons why Biden's comment about curing cancer was ridiculous, but his view of his own importance is no laughing matter. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…
I'm sorry but weirdos is all I can make out of this mess not recommended for anyone to watch sorry but not sorry ew
Am I the only one getting annoyed with these open-ended stories?
A conflict free family sounds insanely weird
Ana ♥♥♥♥♥

Ah!! I’ve seen people cry and that doesn’t look like someone crying genuinely.
Why is SHE talking like THAT
You cant tell anything in 1:39 minutes. What's with the short video
His brother did not kill him, people. Commenters are focusing on the wrong person
you see how he peeked between fake tears to see if the interviewer was buying it?