Do You Have To Show Your Receipt? – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Do you have to show your receipt when the greeter at Wal-Mart asks? What happens if you just walk away? Sometimes the legality of actions is not clearly defined. This video covers some of the legal peripheries stemming from the internet trend of receipt refusals.



This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complimentary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.


50 thoughts on “Do You Have To Show Your Receipt?”
  1. I need to hear more of this shit where the ending is like
    "Yea you COULD but like.. why"
    I came in here with some fuckin justice boner and got de-escalated, do more of that

  2. Costco actually has the right to stop you because they are a membership store and by signing it you are agreeing to their terms.
    Walmart doesn't have that. And technically there is no law that states that you have to stop and show your receipt to them.

    No he's technically just a people greeter that's been given double duty

  3. I will not submit to another citizen and employee's of a retail outlet are just a simple citizen and therefore have no right to acuse me of stealing and when they demand to see my recipe that is what a citizen is doing

  4. I have no problem showing my receipts. I’m not going to harass the poor minimum wage workers who’s trying to do their job just to prove a point. It’s hard enough working with the public, I’m not going heap more burning coals on their heads.

  5. Its real simple, you don't like the policies of a certain store? YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOP THERE. Its their property, they can ask you to leave at any time. Maybe if there wasn't so much theft they wouldn't have to check receipts. I find it mildly inconvenient but I am not one of those self important selfish people who think they are more important then people who UNDERSTAND that helping the store reduce theft helps not only the store but the customers as well. Lastly if you have nothing to hid and they are checking everyone's receipt and you still refuse…. you are just an entitled PoS.

  6. I am very glad that the law is very clear where I live.

    Costco can check my receipts because I gave them permission in order to use their store.

    Walmart and all the others do not have the right to falsely accuse me of shoplifting without evidence, and thus do not have a right to my personal information, or to search my personal possessions.

    They have to wait for a cop, and the cops get really angry at the Walmart associate for calling in false alarms.

    The fact that big box stores wish to operate without the correct number of employees to be cashiers, and that they decided to force the customer to do their own cashier work, is not my problem.

    I am not responsible for loss prevention due to poor business decisions, and neither is any other honest citizen out minding their own business shopping.

  7. Shopkeeper's privilege is a law recognized in the United States under which a shopkeeper is allowed to detain a suspected shoplifter on store property for a reasonable period of time, so long as the shopkeeper has cause to believe that the person detained in fact committed, or attempted to commit, theft of store property.

  8. @AuditTheAudit I’m sorry, but of all the “flex your rights” videos I’ve seen, this is utter bs. The overwhelming majority of shopping I do is at the stores in my town. These stores employ people who live in my town. I see these same people over and over, and they see me. They smile, take the receipt, scribble on it, they may or may not take a quick glance in my bags, and no, it doesn’t offend me. They don’t think I stole from them, they’re just doing a job, and I’m glad for them that they have a job. “We’ll offer you $20/hr (whatever it is) to check people’s receipts as they leave the store.” “Well, I need the job, but wouldn’t that potentially violate people’s 4A rights?” 🙄 Just show the damn receipt.

  9. there are no complicated legal issues here ,if they have reason to believe you are stealing they can all the cops ,you dont have to show a damn thing to anyone even the cops ,if they dont like it they can trespass you but without RAS of a crime the 4th amendment protects you ,probable cause is not needed to detain or search anyone ,only RAS which is a lower standard

  10. These big box stores may have the ability to detain you but they don't have a free pass to assault you. In my state assault on a senior carries automatic jail time so go ahead and lay hands on me. I can and will defend myself and you'll go to jail…

  11. New thought on receipt checking is a scanner next to the receipt checker . Walmart only looking for the date of purchase . Other than 😵‍💫 Simms club looks at receipt AND scans a few items bar codes . I like to stop during that time and have a conversation backing up customers . Sam’s club not quick like Costco with 2 checkers and Sam’s club having a lot of complaints and adopting new system . I purposely have bar codes up so things are quicker at stores .

  12. When asked "can I see your receipt?" My answer is always a very polite, "No thank you." only twice have they pressed the issue to which I politely added, " If you suspect me of theft just say that and I will happily show you my receipt. If you aren't going to make the accusation then please stop impeding my movememt."
    edit: Yes I absolutely will waste time challenging their stupidity… and the "if you dont have nothing to hide" weak arse argument is what people who want power hope everyone buys into because its a slippery slope they are always trying to force you down until they can fully dictate your behavior with little regard for you the personm

  13. I am a 64 year old man that ran into a situation at our local Walmart that I am confused of what to do about it. On 5-15-2024 I picked two items and checked out on the self-checkout, paid and looked around for a bag big enough for one of the items. It was really big but it did not fit in the small bags they had available. I looked around for about 30 seconds for a large enough bag with no luck. I paid with my debit card and when the self-check kiosk as me do you want a printed receipt, emailed receipt, or text it to me. I chose text it to me. I then went to leave and an employee stopped me for my receipt, I explained to her I did not get one as I pushed text it to me. She started asking me do you have your phone? Yes, I said and she made me look for the receipt. I had not received it. She said we have to go back into the self-checkout area. Where now back in this area and an employee came over fast and said to her, He is okay as I saw him check out. He said sometimes it takes 15 minutes to get that text from their system. I told him I would not have to wait 15 minutes in the future if someone did not see me checking out the items. I told him that “receipt text to you” should be removed from the system or honor it. I no longer shop at Walmart.

  14. Has anyone asked about California? Shoplifting is legal in California if the items total less than $900. So if they can see the cart has some toilet paper, Bud Light, and chocolate cookies (obviously below the threshold) do we have to show the receipt?

  15. Update on this, the detainment now will most likely be constitutional because they can easily be released by showing receipt. More states are leaning towards this in their supreme courts


  17. *OPINION* There should be EVIDENCE to support their suspicion that you might have committed a crime before they interfere with your rights.

    *EXAMPLE* A woman can record how she steals a champagne bottle from Walmart by shoving it up her ass and then post it on OnlyFans. This doesn't' give Walmart the right to cavity search people. But if there is evidence that somebody might have committed a crime, they have every right to detain you until the cops arrive.

  18. Any Walmart employee who attempts to physically restrain a customer is automatically terminated. They cant touch your person or pursue you past where the front walkway meets the asphalt in the parking lot but they can grab the cart since its their property. Walmart also has a loss prevention department that handles theft and a camera system with facial recognition software and their computer network rivals the Pentagon (told to me by a Microsoft employee who worked their account for my state) so if you stole anything, loss prevention would be on you before you get to the register.

    In the self checkout line there are always a couple employees standing around and one with a hand held scanner and if the scanner has an "error" they have to swipe their card before you can continue scanning items. Truth is she shut the scanner down so she could come closer and look over the items to make sure everything is being scanned. Not to worry though, if you make the mistake of failing to scan an item and you somehow make it out of the store, they have all they need to track you down and make you pay dearly for being so absent minded. When you're finished scanning and go to pay, be sure to check the screen on the machine because last time i used it, it asked me if i wanted to leave a tip and gave the percentages of the total with the dollar amount beside the percentages.

    Bottom line is to always check under the cart and make sure you get everything because they will come for you no matter what the amount of the the mistake. Walmart only cares about the money which is the goal of the franchise and will prosecute every case they can and its a rare occasion for them to lose because they can tie it up in court and financially ruin anyone brave enough to stand against them. I worked for them in one of their distribution centers for over 5 years. They paid a fair wage for warehouse workers but for the retail side, it was considerably worse and theres no security in the job.

  19. i showed a brown guy at walmart my receipt, everything that i had in the cart was listed on it but he was terrible at reading english, he made a huge stink about me stealing…… not my problem bro maybe the company should test for english competency before hiring for that position

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