Dr. Lazar Feygin is accused of being the mastermind of an alleged pill mill that put millions of Oxycodone pills on the street.
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Dr. Lazar Feygin is accused of being the mastermind of an alleged pill mill that put millions of Oxycodone pills on the street.
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Because of dr's like HIM
Ppl with legit problems CANNOT get what they Need
My dr retired
20 clinics turned me down as soon as they heard my health problems!
And this is in Canada
Where the RCMP controls all scripts
They keep their eyes on everyone + Everything
Theys one in evy crowd
The early 2000's were really crazy times for Oxy's & with no tracking systems at pharmacies, it was wild times. Literally anyone could get them – there were always doctors willing to do it. I'm in Pennsylvania and saw 3 doctors all within 45 mins of my house (I was in my early 20's at the time) and got oxy's & xanax from all of them. I just had to use seperate pharmacies. I'd use my insurance for one of the prescriptions every month – it was for 240 Oxy 80mg – I paid $40 for the script to be filled since my insurance covered it. If I sold all 240 of them all at $50 a piece, it would end up being $12,000 a month!! I only sold enough to cover the other Dr. appts, scripts, & to make a little extra cash/pay bills. Besides that I did them all myself and would still have months where I'd run out & have to buy some off the streets. I can't believe I even made it through all of that. After multiple rehabs & jail, I finally got the hint it was time to stop. I've been clean now for 10 years.
The Supreme Court has raised the standard of evidence needed to prosecute pain doctors. If this doctor is in jail now, he may have a good chance of getting his conviction overturned and flying free again.
Some of these comments are just as disgusting as the doctors and manufacturers fueling the war on opiates and opioid overdoses. People saying, "oh I wish I had a doctor like that", you have no idea what you would have been getting yourself into. I was on pain therapy for a chronic disease for five years. Ended up becoming an addict because of the higher doses he would put me on, and because its already a highly addictive medication – I almost lost my life. We all see it in the news every day, overdoses and deaths. And some of you STILL have the audacity to say you want doctors like these people. THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU WHICH IS WHY THEY WERE RUNNING A PILL MILL. They just want your money, duh. 🤦♀️ They KNEW these drugs were being abused AND distributed – and I can guarantee you that the doctors and nurses told these people when their "out of the blue" drug test was coming up at their next appointment, BECAUSE THEY DID WITH ME AND OTHER PATIENTS TOO.
** This doesn't apply to the people the genuinely need pain therapy. Just please do your research before taking ANY controlled substances. You all have no idea how quickly these medications can negatively impact your life, and the ones you love **
The police waste way more of taxpayer money than these guys
And you wonder why your taxes are high.
38 comments? damn. 20k views? damn.
Reminds me of the feygin from Oliver Twist
They are inspired by walter white and jessi pinkman…lmao…better catch the director of that netflix series
we have a doctor named logan,in rutland vermont that was doing the same thing,he is in court now.
01:00 PM in Room Cour State vs. Logan, Mark Edward Status Conference 875-7-17 Rdcr Active – Pretrial Logan Mark Edward, Defendant
State, Plaintiff
Henry Kevin M.
Monde Steven J.
875-7-17 Rdcr 2 Felony: FRAUD-RX
875-7-17 Rdcr 3 Felony: FRAUD-RX-FALSE RX
01:00 PM in Room Cour State vs. Logan, Mark Edward Status Conference 876-7-17 Rdcr Active – Pretrial Logan Mark Edward, Defendant
State, Plaintiff
Henry Kevin M.
Monde Steven J.
We need this doctor!
the guy in his suit and sunglasses looks like count Olaf from the Netflix show series of unfortunate events
Dirty drug dealers
Thanks dude! You're the reason my doctor can't prescribe the medicine for my Fibromyalgia like they need to.
Would you rather have one of these doctors or some peice of shit DR that takes your money and wont give you anything for pain i cant stand dumb bitchs like you now all there patients will have to turn to street heroin
Hypocrites our government sells the most drugs in the world.
Thank god I got my prescription filled before they popped him. I need me a new Doctor now. A shopping I will go. Although its easier just to get some Heroin from the local drug cartel.
So what happened to them?& cant judge them w out knowing ALL the facts.
what is pil mill?
I need a doctor like this cause I'm in actual pain and can't get any now I want to kill myself cause I can't stand the pain anymore
He's Russian!
I wish I had a doc like him.
So when is the US govt going to be held accountable for their hand in the fake ass war on drugs? Right.
That's what happen when people no longer care about their neighbors. When self-fishness and consumerism overrides moral, integrity, and ethics. These people are a part of what's wrong with our community. They don't give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. They have zero empathy to others. I hope they get convicted and spend some time in jail.
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