Dolores Delgado Pleads Guilty to Role in Karlyn Ramirez Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Dolores Delgado Pleads Guilty to Role in Karlyn Ramirez Murder – Crime Watch Daily

A military mom with top-secret security clearance is gunned down in her Maryland home on August 25, 2015. Who killed 24-year-old mother Karlyn Ramirez, and why?

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36 thoughts on “Dolores Delgado Pleads Guilty to Role in Karlyn Ramirez Murder – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I am watching "Dateline right now, about this story. The man and lady detectives were interviewing Maliek Kearney about ten minutes ago. He broke down in tears, and could hardly talk when they told him what had happened to the victim. What a give away. That is the oldest trick in the books.

  2. Gosh. I know Dolores “Lola” delgado. This is so aweful. I also knew of these guy and how manipulative he was towards Lola during this time. She’s a loyal person and this guy used her loyalty as a weakness. Man I wish Lola would have just came forward but she didn’t. I have remorse for the victim. That was a cruel and henious act all because she wanted a divorce.

  3. I hope that piece of crap rots in hell! Suck a beautiful woman tragically taken at the hands of a cruel monster! And to leave his daughter like that! What kind of sick human being does that!

  4. I am angered about this stories, I find these stories very very disturbing
    Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.

    WOMEN Have the  RIGHT to FEEL  and BE SAFE

    This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:

    For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…

    Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…

    No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.

    Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…

    My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,

    I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…

    Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
    Jason Sandifer,

  5. I don't understand why these people just don't get a divorce and move on! I can't believe they would chance going to prison for life! These types of cases just absolutely baffle me! These two should go to jail and throw the key away!

  6. Well, that sucks…this is crazy because they weren't even married long. He could have asked for an annulment or he could have continued doing what he was doing. They were stationed in different locations. That's crazy and what's worse is this side chick assisted. She should have left he alone when she found out he was married. SMH

  7. you have to be just as sick and twisted as he is to help plan a murder.

    On August 8th, 2017, Dolores plead guilty to being an accomplice in Karlyn’s murder. She was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Maliek still maintains his innocence and plead not guilty at trial. Dolores testified in his trial; she once again confessed to providing Maliek with a gun, car, and alibi while he murdered his wife. On August 9th, 2018, the jury found Maliek guilty of crossing state lines to commit domestic violence resulting in the death of Karlyn Ramirez. He was sentenced to life in prison.

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