The family of Mackenzie Shirilla’s victims addressed the judge ahead of the 19-year-old killer’s sentencing Monday. Shirilla was convicted of purposefully murdering her boyfriend, Dominic Russo, and friend, Davion Flanagan, in a deadly, premeditated crash in 2022. “I hope Mackenzie will find true remorse in her heart and repentance,” the mother of Davion Flanagan said. “This was not a car accident,” Christine Russo said before Shirilla was sentenced. “The evidence and science prove Mackenzie murdered my son Dominic.”
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People are gonna get mad at me, but I think it’s not her fault I think she passed out , panicked,so them slammed the accelerator instead of the brake. That also explains why she could not remember anything. Anyone agree? Also at the end the car veers right as if trying to avoid the wall. She also had a condition where she got dizzy.
😢 so heartbreaking she clearly has no remorse fake cry face with no tears I feel so sorry for these mothers and siblings 15 years is not enough for premeditation I hope she doesn’t get paroled for at least ten more years RIP IN PEACE DOM&DAVION🙏🏾
The families victim impact statements were profound and the gibberish from Mackenzie Shirilla’s mother prior to her daughters sentencing was unbearable and should have netted her 20 years for aiding and abetting her daughters murder of Dominic Russo & Davion Flanagan.
She’s cute❤❤
Why is it the bad person, the cause of the accident always goes on too live,and the innocent ones are gone.this seems too always happen,i wish it was the other way around.
This is what a real monster look like
I don't like how they are standing in front of her and not able to see her and her see their faces to see what she did to all.
She said in the hospital: Cant you just take my license away for ten years or something….Holy Cow. So crazy sad.
I can’t remember I cried as much as for these two kids and their families. This unfortunate situation broke my heart.
Her mom needs to realize that her kid is a “murderer,” and I hope the spends at least 25 years in prison and not just 15 years. She is lucky 🍀 not to have consecutive sentences.
It goes to show what a genuine person Christine (Dominic Russo’s mother) is. She reached out to the Sharillas to check on their child, after she lost hers.
Her lawyer looks like he spent more time in McDonald’s then preparing her for the sentencing and explaining how it will progress.
Honestly I wish when family members of murdered victims is recorded and the perpetrator or perpetrators are forced to listen to them over and over again. Clearly this girl and her mother are the reason while she acts the way she does, so disgusting.
She didn't do it I believe she is not guilty I want her out from prison now
" I lost 3 children " The fact Dom's mother consider her a daughter got me
She's shaking her head like she's not responsible for two deaths. She's a toxic killer. Her mother is disgusting.
did anyone notice the dismissive head toss and eye roll at the 40 second mark as the victim's mother was speaking? This horrible young woman is lacking humanity – the halloween party face makeup says it all!
Android love
She's not sorry. her "tears and sadness" during the victim's statements compared to her sentencing saYs It all
Yo somebody get Cal from Lie To Me on those micro expressions. That's wild.
Is there another part?
A wicked mother who raised a murderer. Defending a murderer is disgusting. She doesn't even realize that she made mistakes in raising her children. She should be ashamed. I feel so sorry for the two men with promising futures who died.
Her tears are a waste of time to even witness, they’re for herself not the boy that passed.
Con la pura diferencia en las mamás de las víctimas que se ve que son personas lúcidas te das cuenta de su educación! En cambio ves a la mamá de la morra y parece desequilibrada!! Ahora entiendo
Bro if this was my kid, they'd immediately be disowned and if they get out of prison, they won't know where I am nor will they get anything from me. Idc if they end up homeless, at least they're still alive unlike the person they killed.
No remorse in her eyes what a disgusting monster
Look how she's looking so unaffected by the dead dudes man talking. I bet she remembers….
I apologize for asking but did she cry at all during the Victim impact statements? Mackenzie seems to be trying to muster up the tears but none actually spill from her eyes. That's scary and sad.
Eveeytime the vfamily
Say “Mackenzie killed dom” or something in that matter she starts shaking her head the lack of remorse is disgusting such a selfish family she deserves jail until she is reformed until then leave her in there two young lives taken because she can’t control her emotions
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and check out how Lil' Miss Mackenzie is getting along these days. I imagine that her attitude doesn't help her make friends very easily.
Who’s here just to feel the burning from Davion’s mom talking ❤️🥹
Damn davion mom wasnt evn his biological mom
OMG 😭. I didn’t know he and his sisters was taken out of foster care 😢
each victim statement broke my heart more and more 💔 RIP dom and davion
Now she's crying she didn't cry when she started partying again and taking selfies
Davians mom: 'he was so much more than cargo' 😢. Poor baby.