‘Drop the Gun!’: California Teen Shot by Police After Allegedly Opening Fire with AR-15

‘Drop the Gun!’: California Teen Shot by Police After Allegedly Opening Fire with AR-15

A 17-year-old boy was shot and killed after allegedly opening fire on Merced County Sheriff’s deputies April 2. Deputies were called to a cemetery for reports of alleged gang members with weapons in Winton, California. The suspects fled on foot after leading deputies on a car chase and crashing into another vehicle. Jonathan Daniel Diaz-Duarate was shot by deputy Lucy Lopez during a foot pursuit after he allegedly shot her with an AR-15 rifle. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the story.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#LawAndCrime #California #OfficerInvolvedShooting

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45 thoughts on “‘Drop the Gun!’: California Teen Shot by Police After Allegedly Opening Fire with AR-15

  1. I seriously will never understand why there needs to be an investigation for something like this? Yeah understandable that he had an assault rifle maybe he hurt someone, but the news always makes it sound like an investigation on the heroic deputy who stopped possible casualties.

  2. WTF is not a kid..is not a kid…AR15 u want to be a ganster ..they have to change the law about this young or minor.. cause thats how they call them whan they get shoot by police for carring a danger gun…there minor whent they shoot a civilian or police.. and gzt caught with a AR15…16 now u r a adult…they keep comitting crime and going home to momy and dady..and they get realease to them with no punishment a probation that they r going to violated..enought..

  3. Posed a significant threat, armed with an assault rifle, tried to flee with the weapon in hand, and was lawfully brought down by a well-trained officer of the law. Great example of civil service.

  4. That thing without a stock doesn't make it easier to conceal, but way harder to aim. That's why ARs without stocks aren't used anywhere in the world, only in the US because of the NFA SBR rules, a relic of a failed gun control attempt from the 1930s.

  5. 17 year old with an AR with a buffer tube I’m assuming. Everything about that is illegal. Deputy Wali’s 1911 platform with optic. Legal. Deputy Lopez’s Glock with a light. Legal. It’s like the ones who follow these laws are at a disadvantage

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