In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Beth Karas joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the federal conviction of a drug dealer after three clients died of fentanyl overdoses, the upcoming murder trial facing Larry Millete for the alleged killing of his wife, and the possibility of additional charges being filed following the death of Tyre Nichols.
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Is there any way to prove someone had laced drugs given to a person to kill them with intent?
if those victims were poor no investigation would be done
Drug testing key workers that look after people’s well-being is so necessary.
Teachers, doctors, police etc regular drug testing should be mandatory.
Nichols should have never dies during a traffic stop! What if your kid was killed during a stop??? You would want justice now!!! Those cops look like a gang of bullies!!!
It's about time they go after the dealers pushing this poison on the streets. It should be a Max prison sentence for each and every death due to everyone knowing how deadly this is and knowing they put this in it.
NO! THEY'RE DEAD BC THEY WERE DOPE FIENDS. Gah, that's not rocket science.
The only message I'm getting is "you can sell cocaine, but stop cutting with fent" you're ok
Remember, Truma is a gateway, Drug addiction is just one link in the chain, we cannot lookup our problems. the only reason the government gives a rats ass is because, the perps were professionals and the *Victims weren't trailer trash.
The federal government allows drug cartels to come over our border unchecked, bringing God knows what over, but mash Americans that happen to sell drugs that result in death. hypocrites
I was riding with a friend and his wife in a semi truck back from Savanah, Georgia, when we were chasing OJ. We were listening to it on the radio while coming through north Florida. My boyfriend and I had just taken a day trip with them from north central Fl with them to Savannah and back. We couldn't believe what was happening.
Lay him down selling that poison to people he knew that fentanyl kills all he thought about was his pockets horrible

This happening MORE THEY THE LAW AND FAMILY MEMBERS KNOW AND HIDE IT JUST DON'T DO IT man coke and kill by it's self
Tragic? Shouldn't have been taking fentanyl to begin with for shites and giggles. So fkn annoying.
Keep Talking About OJ…Come On Now…Come On Now lady!?" In my Lul Bossie Voice..
Why would someone want fent with their coke? Seems like u would b right where u started. Neither hi nor low….I am confused.
How you blaming the dealers they not forcing nobody to get high people stop getting high it'll be no dealers or makers foh
These dumb ass drug dealers putting fetanyl in the drug hoping to get them addicted to the drug like a opioid addict where the gta have it everyday or they will get sick don't know what they r doing u can't give fetanyl A STRONG ASS NARCOTIC to someone who does coke with no opioid dependency ur going to kill them. Ppl out here r greedy just cuz they want more money they trying to turn ppl that like to do coke once in awhile into opioid addicts.
The BIGGEST issue is the fact that these drugs are being brought in from Mexico/Columbia/China and they are ALREADY being cut with fentanyl. Then it comes here and people are cutting it AGAIN with fentanyl. Unfortunately it’s everywhere now and these dealers selling it are no where near the top of the food chain and I doubt we’ll be able to clear it out now. You just can’t do drugs anymore. Not that it was EVER safe but it’s REALLY NOT safe now !
I hope all the police in Tyre´s dead will go down, They wanted to kill him.Make me sick to my stomic. They even took down there body cams Thank god we have more videos.Poor Tyre and his family. Allthis killing in America is really crazy
one last thing u really need to change the gun law NOW
I wish they did better workin in Suzanne Morphew case. I belive 99.999999% was kill by her husband Barry. All he did after she was gone is redflag. He even wanned to sell there house fast after.even anew girlfrind fast.If we dont findher she willwalk free. Poor Suzanne and her family
I dont get why are thy mixn fet in with coke?? Fet cost more,so if anything mixn coke in with fet makes more sense
She's so damn lost
Lets be honest. 3 professionals are dead because they took a chance and engaged in criminal activities. There is no honor among theives. Since we have never been able to focus on those at the top, they must have an advantage for some reason. All this technology, you can locate sex traffickers, terrorist etc… but no surveillance, at any time, at any point, has seen anything unusual? No security has been able to suspect anyone, noone knows where these drugs are be made? Lol
I think we need to focus on how these drugs are getting in the hands of everyday citizens to sell. These three professionals are not of more importance than anyone less professional who has died from these drugs.
When you have decades upon decades of issues with drugs being produxed & distributed worldwide without ever tripping up, never getting caught, never even being suspected that tells us someone that we would never suspect is helping to commit crimes. Criminals also appear as regular folk and they dress well too. Robbing a bank is easy when noone suspects you. People act like having a great job means something. Like what exactly……… you have a great moral compass? How many videos have we seen of professionals murdering,stealing, killing others for trivial things ?
she sounds like a female Kermit the Frog