Edward Mero case: Albany city worker interrogation reveals crimes

Edward Mero case: Albany city worker interrogation reveals crimes

The search for a missing woman in upstate New York leads police down a trail that includes intense flames, outrageous lies and more than one body.

More: http://bit.ly/2JlXTDf


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25 thoughts on “Edward Mero case: Albany city worker interrogation reveals crimes

  1. This documentary doesn’t share the entire story unfortunately. I lived within a mile of where her body was found. I swear I saw the killers one night on my way home from work in a snowstorm. As I made my way up the hill on Tracy rd towards Paine I noticed a car parked at the Y with headlights pointing out into the woods. There were two men, one walking down the hill towards the waterline trail, and another standing up by the car. The man walking down the hill was definitely this man in the documentary. He was wearing a snow hat, but that face is easy to pick out. In a car in the snow it would’ve been hard to see his size as there isn’t anything there to compare to. I could just tell he was a “beefy” guy. As I passed him I thought it was odd he was walking down the hill in the dark during a snow storm late at night. I got to the top of the hill and pulled next to the car and tried to ask the other man if everything was ok, thought they might have got the car stuck or something even though it didn’t seem to have a problem, and it was running. The guy evaded me and tried to hide his face almost seemed scared of me. The windows of the car were all fogged up, and I had this very bad feeling about them. I rolled up my car window and drove home making sure all the doors were locked that night. I even remember thinking they could see my tire tracks in the fresh snow and know where I went. Brushed it off as bad anxiety and went to bed. Following May we get a link to the news article about the woman who was found shared to us. Immediately before even knowing when she went missing I said to my wife it was those two guys. I spoke with the police twice and gave a statement. I posted what I saw on the Facebook article. As a crazy turn of events happen about a year later. I notice I have this pending message that’s about a year old. It’s someone who saw my post and thinks they know who the other man in my story was. They sent me a picture of him and the car. When I saw that my heart stopped. I called the police again, and this was the second time I had met with them and gave them the info I had. The other man went free, maybe they used him to eat the buddy out? I doubt they needed him to after watching this video though.

  2. They let the accomplice go Scot free too. I witnessed the two men in Coeymans that night. I gave two statements to the police about it. They just wanted to get this guy, maybe because it was easier, maybe because it made the case two complicated.

  3. Me you got to think dude if they would have done their jobs the first time that second girl will be alive. They playing like they care now cuz they're on TV. They don't care about people that trick and prostitute and use drugs. They do the NHI stands for no humans involved. That's how they refer to them when they find them. Anybody that has more than a third grade education can tell that didn't know cigarette calls that kind of damage. He played them dude he played them like a damn fiddle

  4. Guy was from my area. The one girl he murdered I knew through another acquaintance… Messed up story, dude is a POS and hopefully he's goin thru it in prison. NOBODY LIKES A RAPO OR CHOMO!!! Bitch ass is probably in p.c. and locked up for 23 and 1… Somebody will whoop his ass if they can get to him😁💯👍

  5. The mom saying at the end she wishes she could switch places with her daughter and the mom apologizing for not being able to help her daughter more is heart breaking. You loved your daughter unconditionally. You’re an amazing mother just for that.

  6. Who would be so disrespectful to grab any type of photograph in a stranger's house and starts snorting something off of it. I believe him when he says she did that because he didn't know that she did not inject herself. And that's something she would obviously do is Snort drugs because she wouldn't inject yourself. At least that's what the mother had said.

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