Elected official allegedly stabbed journalist; Man accused of causing ex’s miscarriage — TCN Sidebar

Elected official allegedly stabbed journalist; Man accused of causing ex’s miscarriage — TCN Sidebar

In this episode of True Crime News The Sidebar Podcast: Jay from “The Shaming of Jay” YouTube channel joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss prosecutors operating on thin ice in Young Thug’s ongoing RICO trial, an elected official facing murder charges in a journalist’s death, and a man accused of tricking his girlfriend into taking a medication that terminated her pregnancy.

Tweet your questions for future episodes to Joshua Ritter using the hashtag #TCNSidebar.

Josh Ritter


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48 thoughts on “Elected official allegedly stabbed journalist; Man accused of causing ex’s miscarriage — TCN Sidebar

  1. 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Who could afford 105 days and it's not even like they are compensated with any pay of substance

  2. My thoughts exactly. US laws are making it illegal to have an abortion, but if he gets off, crazy. He should be charged with abortion. Why is it ok for a man to kill a foetus but not a female? How fair is the US law.

  3. 22:36 exactly 🤦🏻‍♀️ by this point every person on the planet should understand that even on private mode YOUR SEARCH HISTORY CAN BE LOOKED BACK UP! it also boggles the mind that with body cams people still beat up cops and drive drunk knowing everyone will see them on YouTube 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. This was amazing! You both come off as long time friends & it makes for a comfortable & way too fast half hour. We need nightly segments of “all the things, with Josh & Jay”!

  5. I live in the Atlanta area, and I haven't followed the Young Thug thing at all. I'm actually shocked to hear that it's still going on. That's how you find jurors who don't know about cases, I guess. Anyway, I'm super-glad I don't live in Fulton County and wasn't called to be on that jury. Sheesh!

  6. So glad to catch @theshamingofjay on this show! He brings authenticity and a loyal crew. That’s how I found Josh and I love their camaraderie. They balance each other in the best possible way!

  7. Love when you and Jay collab! Josh, you bring the legal/prosecution experience and knowledge, and Jay brings insight of the case in an easily digestible way, that’s easy to understand for a lay person like me, splashed with a little NY edge & humor! These cases you guys cover can get really really heavy, so the splashes of lightheartedness are welcomed and refreshing! Both such good guys 🤗👏

    Highly suggest subbing both here and to Jay’s channels, if you haven’t already done so!

  8. I don't usually wake up this early, but I was (happily) startled awake by the dropping of JR'S content. Realizing the dynamic duo was just waiting in my feed, I popped out of bed faster than a Sad Beige mom on her way to get all the new Stanley cups in the fall color drop, Taupe, Ecru, Sandstone, and Buff.

    Thanks again for making my morning brighter.

  9. Another great episode Josh. I love that you had Jay on with you. He is great at explaining these cases in a way everyone understands. Give Jay a follow if you don’t already ❤️

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