Post 2020 Election legal analysis, constitutional law and civil rights law Q&A, feelz, predictions , conspiracy theories, pending cases, and also why West Virginia is a great place to be. Submit your comments, questions and observations in the live chat.

Join me for Episode No. 26 of FREEDOM IS SCARY, live. Constitutional law, liberty and justice, LIVE on both Youtube and Facebook, tonight at 6PM Eastern.

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41 thoughts on “Election Fallout Legal Analysis and Civil Rights Discussion – FIS Live No. 26”
  1. Question: What if 2 years down the road we discover that it's true that the Dominion voting software did change votes from Trump to Biden, enough to declare Trump the victor? Is there anything in the Constitution to cover this scenario?

  2. I am trying to get a hold of you I watched every 1 of your videos if you can please respond I have some very very very awesome things I'd love to talk to you about love your work thank you're brilliant good on ya keep going thank you I'm right here in Beckley Raleigh county And there's lots of folks that need civil rights help here including myself

  3. Up until recently, I've imagined you as a logical, thoughtful, and introspective attorney. I thought your mindset and conscience were positive driving forces towards positive outcomes for your clients and our country.

    However your posts quote all the insane conspiracy theories from right wing propeganda machines and are enabling an insane wanna-be dictator. Why? How?

    This is not sane or productive, and is helping to propel this country further into madness.

    How many times does this lunatic in charge have to lie to you, or undermine what this country stands for, and destroying this country in any way that he can, before you see him for what he is? I'm not saying this to be mean, it's a serious question. One that needs to be explored if we're going to work together to take the country forward.

    Almost nothing this guy says has ever been true. The fact that you buy into it, when everyone else can see reality clearly, makes me and others wonder how you got so far off the path. You'll probably delete this, but that's on you.

    In the mean time, Trump is spiralling out of control, and hopefully you'll see that soon enough. Too late for some folks though.

    Remember, these police brutality clients and cases are caused by police that feel emboldened and enabled by Trump's rhetoric, and he's also blocking one of the traditional main checks on their power and actions, Civil rights violation investigations and prosecutions by the US Attorney General.

    The link below addresses a lot of the lies and misinformation being spread by Britebart and these other propaganda machines. Ignore it if you like, but this guy isn't worth your time and energy. He doesn't care about this country, only himself.

  4. I believe both parties and the entire system is corrupt. I believe the collusion is between the parties and there's truly no difference between them. They've both proven to be a threat to liberty. Biden spent the past 40+ years writing, co writing and passing (with help from both parties) the most infringing policies to turn the system into a physical entity so that it could claim victimhood over otherwise victimless actions. The worship of statism, the indoctrination and incorrigible nature of the masses enabling such infringements to stand is astonishing. They're being sold false security by the media and politicians at the price of liberty. That price is too damn high for shit service from public servants on a power trip. Quit allowing yourselves to be distracted and divided by the tools that are designed to keep you cognitively dissonant.

  5. Article 8 section 8 of the Constitution FOR Pennsylvania runs thus: the credit of the commonwealth shall not be pledged to any individual company or corporation
    How about them eagles and phillies stadiums ? Foh

  6. It is twisted that you blame Democrats for the loss of civil rights in this country, when it is Democrats who fight for individual freedoms and Republicans who want to deny civil rights, such as abortion rights, support religious freedom to deny those religious rights to Muslims and others, the Patriot Act under George W, so now they record every text, search, click, and call all why spying using thermal detection, drones, facial recognition software (as throughly flawed as is proven). It is Democrats who want the wealthy to pay their fair share for the use of publicly funded infrastructure, access to markets, and lax bankruptcy laws that disproportionately restrict the avg. and poor, while the wealthy get “losses” expunged from their tax liability for decades. It is Democrats fighting for healthcare for the citizens of this country as a human right and not a resource for exploitation from big pharmaceutical and insurance lobbyists. Why billionaires pay little if any federal taxes, the poor and middle class are the ones paying. It is obscene that the poor pay taxes at all while the rich sit by their pools or golf a few rounds until their tax exempt dividends come in. Denying a living wage, making education unaffordable or indebtedness for decades for student loans that can and do transfer liability to parents upon death, and only allow very few outlets to forgive these loans, and bankruptcy isn’t one of them, thanks to Republicans. Republicans have whittled away at the Voting Rights Act. It was Republicans who thought it a good idea to give military equipment and instruments to police agencies, many times with zero training or policy in their use on Americans. There is much more, but you get the point. It is not Democrats who make and promote these destructive, anti-freedom tactics. It is the white, wealthy, patriarchal status quo that Republicans will do anything for: lies, steal, deny, brainwash, accuse, manipulate.

  7. Give me a break! The reason for expanding mail-in voting is because you should not have to risk your life and the lives of others to vote. The reasons for the very few states that allowed extra time for the arrival of votes by mail is because DeJoy was removing machines and instituting drastic changes in policy to rig the election for Trump. That my friend, was because, as Trump admitted himself, is that no Republican would ever be elected again if expanding mail-in access to voting. This is no secret. Gerrymandering is rule number 1 in the subversion of voting by Republicans.

  8. I would argue that the Education Dept., DOJ, up until Barr at least, intelligence agencies such as EPA, FDA etc., are born from the statements “provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and pursuit of happiness” are essential to the rights and liberties of all US citizens. It is when the powers that be extend these agencies and their policies so far beyond their scope and intent that it actually violates those statements. Once power is gained, through whatever means, it almost never returns to previous constraints and authority. It is throughly appalling to me how Barr has corrupted the DOJ for Trump’s and Republican’s sole benefit, while blatantly denying rights and privileges to very large segments of government and citizens.

  9. I'm new to this – Love the Power this Knowledge can give One, and Take Trolls Out, with a smile.
    Was reminded of "Constructive Fraud" – tho i don't know law, I try to find 'terms' that apply.
    – "breach of a legal or equitable duty, which, irrespective of moral guilt" of the fraud feasor."
    "Fraudulent" – 'deceive others, violate public or private confidence, or to injure public interests.'
    Constructive Fraud – "does not require proof of fraudulent intent."
    'Footnote' 9

    West Virginia: – 'material false representation, hearer believed it to be true, was meant to be acted
    on, was acted on, damage was sustained.' RE: All those taking orders from others 'above'.
    Yes, they Should Know better, reason 'obeyed', is theirs. IE: 'Sheeple' – Willing to please for Goal.
    Past in Play: How they were raised. (brats spoiled), Education, Groomed, – LIE TO for Years.
    ALL should do 'time', – Only way followers will understand they are being Used by Dem Trolls.
    pg 16 #12
    (only definition 'used') definition here, similar to one in 1st link [top #2]. Tho noted as "Fraud".

  10. This is why I never use a lawyer. Many are too illogical. My son in law nearly died and he got brain damage from Covid. If you’d just wear your masks and social distance and quit denying science, we wouldn't need to change how we vote.

  11. San Joaquin valley said subscribe you👍.
    Thanks for risk yourself for our freedom because you are uplifting humanity with TRUTH. We the commoners taxpayer people are watching. If the tyranny YouTube are delete you. There's a freedom platform like: Bitchute & LBRY [library] safe all your work on this platform for back up.👍Keep up with wonderful work you are on the righteousness path. We the commoners taxpayer people support your wonderful stay safe may the MOST HIGH protect you & your family. 🛐

  12. Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it. If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law. So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money. The truth at any cost, lowers all other costs. Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.  “The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” I don't have to tell you how evil this brainwashing is.  But I do have to remind you that mass media play these sorts of manipulative tricks on their audience, day in and day out.  With mass media, you are not the customer — you are the product.  Do your mental health a favor: Say no to mass media.Type in Google  Us6506148 B2 this brainwashed patent number it's no longer a theory or conspiracy it scientific & technology FACT people have been on spelled since a toddler.

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    Word Magic

    Max Igan (Australian Researcher)
    Force majeure is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, epidemic or an event described by the legal term act of God, prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. In practice, most force majeure clauses do not excuse a party's non-performance entirely, but only suspend it for the duration of the force majeure.[1]
    Force majeure is generally intended to include occurrences beyond the reasonable control of a party, and therefore would not cover: Any result of the negligence or malfeasance of a party, which has a materially adverse effect on the ability of such party to perform its obligations.[2]Any result of the usual and natural consequences of external forces.To illuminate this distinction, take the example of an outdoor public event abruptly called off.If the cause for cancellation is ordinary predictable rain, this is most probably not force majeure.If the cause is a flash flood that damages the venue or makes the event hazardous to attend, then this almost certainly is force majeure, other than where the venue was on a known flood plain or the area of the venue was known to be subject to torrential rain.[3]Some causes might be arguable borderline cases (for instance, if unusually heavy rain occurred, rendering the event significantly more difficult, but not impossible, to safely hold or attend); these must be assessed in light of the circumstances.Any circumstances that are specifically contemplated (included) in the contract—for example, if the contract for the outdoor event specifically permits or requires cancellation in the event of rain.

    Under international law, it refers to an irresistible force or unforeseen event beyond the control of a state making it materially impossible to fulfill an international obligation, and is related to the concept of a state of emergency.[4]

    Force majeure in any given situation is controlled by the law governing the contract, rather than general concepts of force majeure. The law of the contract often specified by a choice of law clause in the agreement, and if not is decided by a statute or principles of general law which apply to the contract. The first step to assess whether – and how – force majeure applies to any particular contract is to ascertain the law of the country which governs the contract.

  13. A thought, if people at localities start banding together, go to their local/district in mass numbers letting that rep know what they want,and reminding them that he/she is supposed to be representing them, won’t that put them in line?
    As it is now they will state they are doing what their constituents want, but are they really? It seems it is more “I’m doing what I think is best for them”, but really it is what is best for their own agenda?

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