Did this fertility doctor artificially inseminate these mothers with his own sperm? Elizabeth Smart brings you an unexpected family reunion.
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Did this fertility doctor artificially inseminate these mothers with his own sperm? Elizabeth Smart brings you an unexpected family reunion.
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The man , looks identical to the Doctor,sperm doner !
Cline is a classic clinical narcissist. His use of the Bible verse implies he may even think he is G-d.
Elizabeth you’re my hero
All the siblings- have the right to file for child support!!!!
All the siblings- have the right to file for child support!!!!
Just listening to this scummy piece of crap spout religious scripture just caps it for me. So many so called religious people committing crimes and they are high up on the church or social ladder just shows what churches and temples have become. They have become and probably always been some peoples claim to power and authority and those people always blame the victims of their nefarious behaviour .
What was the motivation here? Just narcissism? He needed more of himself in this world? Crazy!
Elizabeth Smart is a very gutsy person
"It sounds to me like you're trying to do harm to me"
Says the one who gave these women a sample of his own sperm. Absolutely disgusting
Some of these comments are f****d
Typo it's Dr crime
No statute of limitations on this? This is unprecedented.
What’s the movie based on this? I think it’s a Vince Vaughan movie.
I think Elizabeth Smart is half sibling to the others. I think the good doctor is her dad too. See the family resemblance.
Elizabeth Smart is amazing.
Fresh samples? That means he had to have gone into a room somewhere and jacked off into a vial while the patient waits. Ugh
This is great Elizabeth Smart and Have a seat Chris Hanson? Awesome show
Is not guilty good at least they know their dad
A mad scientist type of dirty doctor
Im on my way to becoming private detective and I know that if someone looks suspicious that it is because theyre hiding something
I hate when rapists quote religious scriptures
I think the doctor should have charged her more for his sperm since he's a doctor and has a high IQ she got a discount
When women choose a donor, they will choose them according to the traits and characteristics that they want in their child. That's the usual way. However, she agreed to take sperm from anyone of the interns that donated sperm for her. So, what's the problem with using a Dr's sperm instead? She was perfectly ok with receiving random sperm from a random hospital internist, there's no fuckin' difference. She's complaining and feels violated because her child has half-brothers and half-sisters because the same sperm was used for other mothers. But this would happen even if she chose a specific candidate. A donor doesn't donate one time just for you. There are multiple women using the same sperm because they choose the same candidate. There are half-brothers and half-sisters all over the world because a donor will usually donate regularly for multiple use in multiple women. I don't fuckin' understand what the hell her issue is!!!! The only complaint she could possibly have is the fact her didn't tell her he was using his sperm instead, but that doesn't matter because she wouldn't have been told which internists sperm was being used either. So, again, it's exactly the same as if she had picked her own. She should have chosen a donor according to the genetic traits she desired, and then she would've had a case if she discovered the doctor breached the contract by not using the donor she chose. But again, she didn't fuckin' do it that way!! Her child isn't the only one that has half-brothers and sisters….donors are used on multiple women all the time. Geez….SMH!!!
hay u people out there stop picking on Elizabeth smart she sounds nice so stop calling her names and be nice
Why isn't this creep in jail, also keep religion out of this, its bs anyway
Anyone who is the child of an anonymous sperm donor faces the risk of dating his/her sibling.
I think he needs to pay back child support for each one ! That should break him. He thought he was playing God ! I can help bend over stick your fat head down there and kiss your butt goodbye !
I feel like I'd love to meet Elizabeth, not cause I went through anything past an online groomer and an awkward conversation with a grown man at 13, but because somehow I'm a bit of a fan lol.