Elizabeth Smart Investigates Official Responses to Campus Sex Assaults – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Elizabeth Smart Investigates Official Responses to Campus Sex Assaults – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Purity. Virtue. Honor. At universities all across the country, ideals like these are part of an actual code of conduct that comes with very real consequences.

But could some of these so called “honor codes” actually be enabling the very worst kind of behavior? Elizabeth Smart reports.

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14 thoughts on “Elizabeth Smart Investigates Official Responses to Campus Sex Assaults – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. If anyone is going through a situation like this honor code, please call the ACLU. They can provide you free legal help in situations like this where your civil rights have been violated.

  2. Elizabeth Smart is SO BRAVE for reporting on such a controversial issue that could cause some of her fellow LDS members to come out against her. Good for her!!! Rape is not “casual sex,” and degrading and punishing victims is not a part of Christianity.

  3. They never reported it to police and expect their boyfriends to be caught? I don't get it. Seems like they just regret having sex because the guys turned out to be jerks. Also they were breaking the honor codes and that's what lead to them being in these precarious situations where they were "raped". They're liars if you ask me. It's a shame Elizabeth is mixed up with this crap.

  4. You know when it comes to religion, rapes are falsely reported because the female regrets actively consenting and believe reporting it to the church and never the police they would be resolved of any wrong doing. Bottom line is, if you do not report it to law enforcement not your fucking church you are 100% consenting to what took place. It is what it is. Period………………………………………

  5. Elizabeth Smart COULD explode as an Investigative Journalist. She is the RARE interviewer that can likely identify with practically anyone's victimization.

  6. Blessings of peace and comfort I pray for these brave young woman. Unfortunately in our world today there are many who seek to destroy the very value of a woman. No matter what, any victim of assault needs to remember their worth as beloved children of God.

  7. So many local Utahns freaking out about Obama's school bathroom directive because of unlikely assaults that could POSSIBLY happen, yet are remaining completely silent about the assaults at BYU that ARE happening…

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